SECRET Darius Tips & Tricks

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Track: BEAUZ & JVNA - Crazy [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Convex - 4U (feat. Jex Jordyn) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Lost Sky - Where We Started (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Jim Yosef - Arrow [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Hello, I'm Dobby.
If you're my subscriber, you've probably heard about the channel LoL Analyst at least once.
This channel is copying a number of Korean LoL channels, including 현튜브, DM전략노트, 해도리 starting from me..
Even if L.A copies the contents and translates the sentences as they are, foreigners don't know.

It's already been mentioned a few times in Reddit.
Since LA has been blocking all the keywords for the copy channel, including me, his foreign subscribers have no choice.

Recently, copyright infringement reports have been accepted several times.
As L.A is on the verge of deleting the channel, L.A is posting community writing pretending to be the victim and moving the channel.
He's deleting a lot of videos right now.
he has nearly 100, 000 Facebook followers, and since it won't be known abroad anyway, I think he thinks it doesn't matter if he covers up the facts, start the new channel.

The reason I wrote this is to let our subscribers know that this is happening.
It's now a legal battle, and I want to say that I will definitely win and come back.

I'm inferior in terms of recognition and channel size, but I'll definitely come back with an appropriate response.

Thank you for reading it.


I used to watch lol analyst, not knowing you were the actual legend


I used to watch lol analyst always thinking
"Damn, thats some amazing content"
Now i watch you thinking
"Damn, thats some incredible original content"


More tips for anyone who wanna master Darius:
1. You DON'T have to deal the killing blow to get your R reset. Enermy die within the cast time is enough. You're able to land 1 more auto before the cast time end to deal the killing blow (and still receive the passive buff and reset)
2. E is not only a way to catch enemy but also an escape tool. It knock up, slow enemy, and land them at your attack range (meaning you can push away enemy who are extremely close to you)
3. Stridebreaker is a must (works in 95% case), deadman' s plate is very good, others depending on you
4. Use E to break enemy's essential dash (Riven's 3th Q, Zac's E, J4's combo, Camille's E, ...)
5. Darius has different function when quickly combo Auto-W-Q, it may hide W's animation or Q's range visual effect depend on how fast you press Q
6. Maximun stack passive always better than get R reset. Use R to get last bleed stack if nessessary
7. Ban Morgana
8. You're not tanky, and you're a damage dealer instead of a tanker. Timing when to sprint in to teamfight, get passive as fast as possible and flash (stridebreaker) into enemy AD face, nothing more.
9. Teamwork is good, but if you're not selfish, Darius is not for you. Take the kill with ulti whenever you can, or you'll be useless
10. Darius's late game is not that bad; end game fast or drag to late game. You're a big thread in teamfight for even tanker, assassin or ad carry
Thanks for reading. If you want to what some nice Darius plays, please visit my page for more :))


Recently I wrote short note in the community column about 'LoL Analyst'.
I was wondering if you didn't get the notification. Cause No one's responding
Please let me know if any of you have received the notification :)


Finally LoL Analyst deleted all of his videos, the mislead will now com here. Thank you for not quitting!!


Hi dobby! Im Darius Rank 30. Have been playing League since 2012. I must say i have never seen a good darius guide. Never. But this one, is gold, i wish i could have had this time ago, i learnt all this by myself as the time passed by. This guide is AMAZING, it has all what a darius player needs not know, i cant describe how you surprised me with this video!


You forgot a niche one that is quite useful in some matchups! E first Part is a stun, so if u are fighting some kind of champ with an invulnerability move (like kayle, fiora, zilean, sett) you can save your e to make sure you can ult the target without getting It denied


You can actually do Q, Stridebreaker, Flash, E and it's pretty strong to caught someone off guard.


I have been watching LoL Analyst's tutorials without knowing that he/she got/stole it from you. I have just unsubscribed to that channel and subscribed to yours today. KEEP ON MAKING GOOD VIDS DOBBY!!! 😩👍


I just found your channel and thought that you are really good like lol analyst but then looked at the comments and realised you are the original creator XD.Great work


As a main darius: just let the salt of your enemies guide you


Lol Analyst got banned, well played, you won :)


OMG so you the one that actually make these video. You should been the one who got alot of sub not the LOL analyst copycat. I sub to you mate


Honestly over the past few days I've been learning more stuff about champs with these tips and tricks than I ever have. I decided to pick up Yone after playing a game and your tips and tricks have helped me tremendously, please make more! Maybe with Kled?


You used LoL analyst's background music, the shade, I love it


Dobby! Good to see your video quality on english channel improving mate!


Sir. As this video supposed to be tips, can u also include weakness or bad situation or n00b mistakes of the champion...? We'll be grateful if u add it


Almost closed the video because I thought it was LoL Analyst


This is my fav lol videos series. I like how you arrange it even for person who don't know the hero still can watch the full video and learn something.
