Is Prompt Engineering a Scam?

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⬇️Resources mentioned in this video⬇️

AI Resources I use and recommend (some might be affiliate links):

Where to start learning about Prompt Engineering and AI?:

Time Stamps:
00:00 Anthropic Offering $375k to Prompt Engineers
01:11 Prompt Engineering is so Easy, Anyone Can Do It?
03:52 The Future of Prompt Engineering
07:33 The Benefit of Learning Prompt Engineering and AI
08:24 How to Start Learning Prompt Engineering?

Articles and other resources mentioned in the video:

Thank you so much for watching and joining me on this journey! Let me know in the comments what you would like to see more of in the future.
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"Hey Goda, I just wanted to drop in and express my deep gratitude for all the remarkable content you've been producing. I'm an avid listener of your podcast and a regular viewer on your YouTube channel. I couldn't find a way to convey my appreciation through your podcast, so I'm seizing this opportunity to do so here. I'm also sending a small token of my appreciation your way, in the form of this payment. Your content has proven to be invaluable for me. It's an abundant source of knowledge and practice, and I can't overstate how much I've learned from it. Please keep doing what you're doing. You're adding immense value not only to my life but to many others as well. We are truly grateful for you and everything you do. Keep rocking, we love you!"


Spot on, as always! The divide between effectiveness and ease is real. Love how you talk about AI prompting, love your videos, love the info you share. Many, many thanks!!


I just got off a presentation to potato growers representative body and I was concerned that they will not be able to understand how to use the AI solution I am building on top of their research papers (5000+). I must have done a good job of explaining to them what AI is because THEY assured that the problem is not as big as I think. +90% have not used ChatGPT before.


"The honest truth" on Youtube doesn't exists. But their are some nice advice here and there.


I subscribed to ChatGPT in March and have been using it for a number of things daily. When it comes to Prompt Engineering, I think the Dunning Kruger effect is very much in play. As evidenced by some of the comments on your previous video, people don’t know what they don’t know - and they incorrectly believe that they know all there is to know.

When I first heard someone suggest that Prompt Engineering was a marketable skill, I was skeptical - since it seemed so intuitive to me. But then I watched how other people were using it and realized that most of the people who mocked the capabilities of LLM’s were talking to it ineffectively - in the same way they would talk to Siri or Alexa. I realized I was far more advanced than them and because I could do more than them, I believed I was getting everything possible out of GPT-4 - and that anything I couldn’t get out of it - just wasn’t possible and that it was just a limitation of the system.

But then I took a prompt engineering course on Coursera and learned many techniques I didn’t previously know - and now I am able to get much more from GPT-4 than I could previously!

I still don’t think that anyone will be able to make a career out of prompt engineering, however I do think it will be an important differentiator on a resume/CV. A prompt engineering certificate will set candidates apart from the dozens of other qualified applicants for a job in any field.


I love ChatGPT. I have trained it to sound so much like me that people who know me and my writing cannot tell what I have written and what ChatGPT has written. It has taken some time and a lot of training but we are there now.

As for prompt engineering, for me, it boils down to how creative and descriptive you get in your pompt. I always go for details, even minute details and explain the tone and feeling that should be presented. If you can give ChatGPT a lot of details of what you want, it can really deliver some nice results.


So I've been thinking that when OpenAI first offered Gigs at insane money that it was a BRILLIANT marketing move, but not much more. As I got into it, I quickly got clear on the idea that even the WAY you do a Prompt took less and less skill and understanding (from having to define Top K, AR, etc to simplified natural speech styles). Also...its a VERY blunt tool. As a Production Artist, I got quickly aware that I had VERY little control over specific controls (for example, with Image models, something as simple as the camera angle was extremely hard to control, define and change. Not to mention every image was a happy accident).

Lastly, the main thing that occurred to me that makes Prompt Engineering/ AI unviable is how it thrives on the lack of knowledge and skill of the user. Its GREAT for boiler plate info on a subject but the minute you have to make something specific or custom, it can't do it combined with the fact that the User often doesn't' know the difference. AI thrives on the the user not having expertise. THIS is the danger because most Middle and Upper management lack the skill and understand of how to do something and tend to not know or understand the nuances ...that makes this WHOLE thing problematic.


I really enjoy your videos❤ I have watched AI catch-on with YouTube channel influencers pushing bots as a solution. I believe this represents part of the 99% moving forward. Also, as real as AI is in today’s society - your are spot on that the 1% representing Prompt Engineering will align with your thoughts on effective management styles. My freelance Prompt engineering jobs always start with what AI is, what it can do, and is the organization ready to adopt. Thank you, please keep up the good work listing education opportunities. 🎉


This is the channel I have been looking for, thank you for quality content, subbed 👍


Thank you for this, Goda. I have been devouring each one of your videos for a few weeks now, as someone learning more about this every day, and beginning to share more lessons learned with others.

I’m curious if you’ve seen job listings distinguish between Prompt Engineering to get better outputs vs Prompt Engineering to train the models themselves? I am finding both definitions, and I wonder if we can work toward a clearer industry standard.

Thank you for all the education you’re putting out… major fan!


Another amazing video, thank you Goda! Agree 110% with everything- and you’ve articulated it all perfectly!


My experience with ChatGPT is that if you go from asking him something basic and add it more and more complexity works better than going from something complicated and then requiere him to make corrections. Of course im still learnig Prompt Engineering, so it could be that im not asking him the rigth questions.


It's not a scam, and just like language can be a bit of an art. Ot can and does have big impacts on the results you get back from an llm. What it is not is the whole system. Like any system for it to work well all parts need to be setup well which for a chatbot are a lot. Hw config n optimization, llm loading, embedding, fine tuning, interfaces and yes the prompt also.


I've encountered a wall with GPT when it comes to its limitations on its knowledge. There are things it doesn't know so I always end up looking for better sources, however GPT is a good start to do repetitive tasks I don't want to do and a good start base for research. I can build websites faster even if I catch it making a lot of mistakes.


I love you and your videos Goda. From Minnesota to beautiful Germany - Best wishes to you and your family and your continued success. I agree with the points you raise in this video about potential careers and how this might play out. I just subscribed to your newsletter and am now following you on LinkedIn.


How can I learn prompt engineering in my spare time and online and how much will it cost?


Not convinced yet, although i agree with the main tone. The use of prompt engineering is as individualistic as the prompt or the question asked or the company or person asking ... if you have basic understanding of the system you can adapt the prompt so easily, it's a childs play. And until normal producing companies use it, we are probably all dead.


I absolutely adore ya and your effective relaying the answer's to questions been asking self llike you rrad my mind
Makes me excited about ai tioics even more and as a female panelist on these topics congrats woohoo


But how and where can we learn it for free any resources


Yep, prompting is easy but without a background in machine learning you ain’t getting a job.
