Elden Ring - How to CHEESE Astel Boss | Astel, Naturalborn of the Void Boss Fight Full Guide

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Elden Ring - How to CHEESE Astel Boss | Astel, Naturalborn of the Void Boss Fight Full Guide
#EldenRing #Exploit #Cheese
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For those concerned about levels - The Astel fight gameplay was recorded when I was between level 100 and 150. If you do not have the required int, go and respec. If you're still struggling, just farm runes for an hour or two or upgrade your mimic. Plenty of possible ways to increase your odds. Good luck! 😁


you're almost level 300 while fighting it almost normally, this isn't a cheese nor is it even close to being a guide


So basically to cheese the boss you already have to have insane stats with insane spells, great


I noticed that every guide for this boss involves an overpowered mage or just comet azur in general. The best advice for a melee build, besides mimic of course, is watch his hands and when he goes up to do his Shockwave moves just run back as fast as you can and then charge back it to bash his face and get a stagger. The technique of running out and then back in worked perfect for me at lvl 55. When he does his comets just dash in a straight horizontal line to one side of the arena. It's gonna take melee builds a lot longer but with patience and paying attention and can be achieved with mild frustration. I wish people would realize that making a "guide" that is just spamming comet azur doesn't help anyone that doesn't have access to it and anyone that does is obviously already going to be using it.


Okay so Here's how I easily Cheesed it without magic and summons.

All You need is the Rotten Breath Dragon Incantation and Arc 12, Fai 15 to use it.

Start by Rushing the boss and wait for an opening to use Rotten Breath. Rotten breath has pretty good range so you don't have to be underneath him for it to hit. (the best openings i found were when he does his hand sweeping attacks)

Next *Glitch him* by Running Away. If you stand against any of the arena's wall's his Teleport ability Litteraly Breaks and he gets stuck teleporting in one spot so he can't tp away or do his annoying grab move.
Now just dodge his Tail whips, lazer blasts and Meteor shower's.

I counted you have to hit him atleast twice with rotten breath to knock his health down to a single quarter. To kill him you can ether rush in and attempt to beat him to death or just use rotten breath a third time.
And thats it. It took me a few try's to get the pattern right but it was still way easier then fighting him normally.


*Every boss guide I see* "How to CHEESE boss"

Step 1) Be a mage.
Step 2) Drink flask with Cerulean Crystal Tear
Step 3) Cast Meteorite Spell


I mean it's a tactic to defeat the boss but on the other hand you're over level 200. Pretty overpowered


Thanks for the video. Few things:
* You're level 262, which is likely more than 3 times what most people do this fight at.
* This isn't a 'cheesing'. Cheesing is a skillless way that exploits a flaw in game design. Usually minimal effort and resources required. For example, finding some textures you are invulnerable behind (yet can deal damage), or making a boss walk off a ledge.
* I'm level 100. I have roughly 40 str, 25 fai. I'm overlevelled (as I' m str/fai hybrid). I did this fight entirely in melee by using heavy armour that had high magic resistance and using the cuckoo greatshield (high magic res): I still fat rolled, didn't matter: Just keep the boss in front of your vision so you can run away when you predict his gravity pull attack is unleashing. You need a weapon that as a vertical jumping attack, and use that on his head. Mimic was the best spirit summon for me.


When I have health that long it will make it easier because this mfr hits like a truck lol.m


This is a perfectly reasonable way of playing the game, levelling up super high, using a very specific build, using the game’s most broken attacks.
But don’t present it at a cheese strat. Being overleveled isn’t an exploit.
It’s like if you made a video saying “here’s some simply tips and strategies to help you win more poker games, just buy the casino, you get all the profits, you’re welcome”


Not cheesing if you straight up fight the boss. People on YouTube need to learn what cheesing means when it comes to video games, especially souls like.


Beat him on the first or second try with level 10 Mimic and Rotten Breath double shot. HAD TO HIT HIM IN 2 PHASES WITH IT! worked like a charm.


Yea the secret is to be massively overpowered


Another way to Cheese this boss:
1. Get the Latenna ash of War
2. Activate her against the boss
3. Runaway and stay alive against the boss while Latenna shoots from far away and picks at his health.
On my 3rd attempt, I got it halfway, it eventually caught me


If you wanna actually cheese him use the maidens mist spell, killed him pretty easily at level 70


Small tip for Estel: if you have the Rock Sling spell, keep spamming it at Astel so it can stun him


My mimic didn’t do shit. It just walked around I don’t think it even got a hit in. I did manage to beat it tho. Thanks for the vid


All you need is rock sling, mimic tear, and timing of attack patterns . Once you find the correct distance rock sling will do what you need it to. Use great rune to make it quicker.


Guide is kinda diff most of the players might be in mid game and they need a way to defeat this boss but my recommendation is to be fully focused on what kind of class your character is so that you’ll focus to upgrade and prioritize those attributes that you needed


This did absolutely sweet bippity fuck all for me, Astel doesn't give a single grain of shit about Comet Azur.
