Health Benefits of Pineapple | ISH News

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Pineapple is a tropical fruit available in any grocery store and a staple in many homes around the world. Pineapples were previously known as an royal and exotic fruit, served only at the most lavish of banquets. However, pineapples are now common, and people are able to enjoy them in solid, dried, and juice forms.

Here are the health benefits of pineapples.

1. Treats Cold and Cough:
A pineapple has enzymes that have inflammatory properties that can fight infections and kill bacteria. Eating it regularly can prevent you from a cough and cold.

2. Strengthen Bones:
Pineapple is rich in manganese that helps in strengthening your bones. All you need to do is to add this fruit to your everyday diet and this will help you maintain a strong body.

3. Good For Teeth:
Eating pineapple is said to strengthen your gums and keep your health strong. Your teeth and bones are made up of calcium and pineapple does have good content.

4. Aids In Digestion:
You can drink some pineapple juice or eat it and you get rid of that stomach ache. Pineapple has a rich source of dietary fibre and vitamin C that helps in good digestion.

5. Treats Acne:
Pineapple juice has loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage and uneven skin toning.

6. Anti-Ageing Properties:
The best thing about consuming pineapple juice is that it will make your skin smooth and add that extra layer of youngness over it. You can also add a few drops of lemon to it and this will multiply your benefits of anti-ageing.

7. Thick Hair:
Pineapple has hair thickening properties that will make your hair strong and avoid hair fall. The enzymes present in this fruit has vital nutrients that can enrich your hair follicles

All of you know that pineapple is good for our overall health, so now is the time that you make this fruit a must-add food to your diet !!

#pineapple #benefits #fruits #health #healthtips

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God gives pineapple grow to help body healthy safe eat pineapple 😮😮😮


I understand. I will try to eat pineapple practice to feel better. Thank you #ISHnews.


Pineapple healthy important ish news thanks for much ❤👏


Sign Interpreter sir Thank You @Ish News


Like eat or juice pineapple so use for good health, stomach pain solve 👍👌🍍


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