MongoDB vs. Postgres Benchmarks / Álvaro Hernández (OnGres)
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HighLoad++ 2019
Тезисы и презентация:
Benchmarking is hard. Benchmarking databases, harder. Benchmarking databases that follow different approaches (relational vs document) is even harder.But the market demands these kinds of benchmarks. Despite the different data models that MongoDB and PostgreSQL expose, many organizations face the challenge of picking either technology. And performance is arguably the main deciding factor.Join this talk to discover the numbers! After $30K spent on public cloud and months of testing, there are many different scenarios to analyze. Benchmarks on three distinct categories have been performed: OLTP, OLAP and comparing MongoDB 4.0 transaction performance with PostgreSQL's.
При поддержке AvitoTech мы впервые публикуем все видео с HighLoad++ 2019 в открытый доступ. Учитесь, вдохновляйтесь и перенимайте лучшие практики у спикеров, не выходя из дома.
HighLoad++ 2019
Тезисы и презентация:
Benchmarking is hard. Benchmarking databases, harder. Benchmarking databases that follow different approaches (relational vs document) is even harder.But the market demands these kinds of benchmarks. Despite the different data models that MongoDB and PostgreSQL expose, many organizations face the challenge of picking either technology. And performance is arguably the main deciding factor.Join this talk to discover the numbers! After $30K spent on public cloud and months of testing, there are many different scenarios to analyze. Benchmarks on three distinct categories have been performed: OLTP, OLAP and comparing MongoDB 4.0 transaction performance with PostgreSQL's.
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