Carl Milles, Milles medals and tour on Millesgården - All you ever need to know about Carl Milles

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Today I will read a section from my book Medals and their artists, a book which for the first time ever fully describes the production of medals for the following artists: Carl Eldh, Eric Grate, Bror Hjorth, Carl Milles and Bruno Liljefors. Today you will learn everything about Carl Milles and his medal production, including a tour on Millesgården i Stockholm

Roberto Delzanno Numismatik
Contact me with confidence, an innovative company at the forefront with many years of experience in professional coin trading and an active author and book publisher. I am a professional numismatist, researcher and multiple award-winning author. Awarded the Schive Medal in silver, a reward medal for outstanding authorship, by the Norwegian Numismatic Association (NNF). Awarded IAPN "Book Prize" for the world's best coin book 2020 (Sweden's Gold Coin) and 2021 (Coins of Sweden 2022). Member of the Swedish Coin Dealers' Association (SMF), International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN), Swedish Numismatic Association (SNF), Norwegian Numismatic Association (NNF), lifetime member of the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG), lifetime member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), Acting valuer of the Swedish Chambers of Commerce and thus follows the high demands for professionalism that are stipulated.

My latest published books:
- GOLD COINS OF SWEDEN 1512-2020 (Awarded IAPN "Book Prize" 2020)
- COINS FROM SWEDEN 995-2022 (Nominated for "Book Prize"))
- COIN YEAR BOOK 2022 (Awarded IAPN "Book Prize" 2021)

Roberto Delzanno Mynthandel
+46 (0)708-865008
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In the aviator medal, is the falling figure "surrounded by stylised rays", or is Milles attempting to represent planes engulfed in flame so trailing smoke, dropping from the sky? Perhaps my view of what the lines represents is informed by modern conception of what these lines could be, rather than the original intention for a medal which was created long before the idea of smoking planes, stalled and dropping out of the sky, was imprinted in the social consciousness through published media like comic books and film.
