The Squat Effect or Shallow Water Effect.

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The SQUAT effect is a hydrodynamic phenomenon that occurs when a ship moves through shallow water, causing the ship to sink deeper into the water and come closer to the seabed. This happens because the ship's hull creates a low pressure area as it moves through the water, which causes the ship to sink lower in the water. The squat effect is caused by a number of factors, including: Speed: The faster the ship moves, the greater the squat effect. This is because the ship pushes more water under its hull at higher speeds, creating a larger low pressure area.  Water depth: Shallow water increases the velocity of the water flow, which increases the squat effect.  Hull shape and size: A wider, flatter hull will cause more squatting than a narrow, sleek hull.  Water characteristics: The density and viscosity of the water can also affect the squat effect. The squat effect is also known as the shallow water effect.
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