Inside the Bee Hive what honey bees do. See eggs, larvae, Queen Laying Eggs, pollen, Condensation

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Inside the hive Close UP interior view of various honey bee behaviors.
Hygienic varroa resistant honey bees doing what they do, laying eggs, storing pollen, waggle dancing, grooming, drones hatching, feeding larvae, tending brood frames.

I have not had to treat for varroa destructor, why, because we haven't been able to find any. These bees are highly sensitive to the presence of varroa destructor and simply remove anything, or any bee that has problems.

PLEASE NOTE: 100% of this video is the exclusive work of Frederick Dunn and no permissions have been granted for use elsewhere. Thank you for respecting that. These sequences complete, or in part, may not be reproduced or used in any form or in any format without express written permission from Frederick Dunn.

You may be wondering what survivor line stock I'm using? I'm glad you asked! I get them from BeeWeaver, I pay for them like everyone else and they did not give me any concessions to mention them at all. Here is a link to their website where you can read more about a line of honey bees that have not been treated for varroa since 2001, that's right, 2001! These beekeepers are way ahead of the game and these bees are the result of the survivor approach:

I've been working with their honey bees since 2007 and couldn't be happier. Tell them Frederick Dunn sent you and I'll still have to pay the same as everyone else!
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Drone: I feel so lucky that all I have to do here is eat and mate.
Worker: *Winter is coming.*


I like when they do their little dance to show the location of the flowers.


Seeing this makes me realize bees are a lot smarter than i originally thought.


Fred: *talks about the pollen fermenting*
me an intellectual: Ah so they have a local brewery, nice


I don't if its just me, but aren't bees just so CUTE? They have the most adorable huge eyes, are super fuzzy, and are the chubbiest insect I've ever seen. That equals cute in my book.


Learned more about bees in the past 10 minutes than I have in the past 60 years.


I've seen so many bee videos on yt, but this one is not only visually far better than most, but also provides information I've never heard anywhere else! Awesome job!


The bees stopping to get groomed and cleaned reminded me a lot of a car pit stop it’s so cute


When I was a child we stayed at a vacation home of a friend of my father's that had a HUGE beehive on the outside of the large picture window in the livingroom. It had been there for years and was about 5 feet high and 2, 5 to 3 feet across. My mother kept trying to get me to go outside and play with my brothers, but that hive was fascinating! I loved watching the Queen move around (once I found her) and from books there learned most of my life's knowledge about bees from watching & reading while there. I begged for a beehive but as 1 of my brothers is allergic to bees, it was a fast No!Our local conservation center has a glass hive that the bees enter and exit through a plastic pipe. I would bring my children there when younger but I enjoyed them more than they did. They are fascinating to me. Never wish to be a baby bee with a cold or allergy, your aunts will kill you instead of cuddles and chicken soup! lol


Absolutely fascinating. I wouldn't get a single thing done if I had access to an observation hive!


0:50 That bee licking the window made my day


Frederick, may the creator of the universe pour out blessings upon you for making this knowledge Rarely is this old man impressed and thrilled, but this did.


world: "all the bees are dying from mites"

verroa resistant bees: "think again"


it's so cute they have a whole bee society with roles and jobs. i would like to join them


"What Do Honey Bees Do Inside the Beehive?"
A whole lot of snuggling apparently.


Ever since I read the Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd I really got interested in bees and now have this huge adoration for bees and what they do. So many types of jobs in the hive it's so fascinating! And I actually feel sorry for the queen as her only job is to lay eggs. It's sad to see bees dying in this day and age, they're so precious.


0:48 love that little guy licking the window clean


Im a new Bee Keeper Frederick, in my first year! This is one of the best educational pieces I've come across on the web. Thank you so much for your time and effort. insights into "the Hive" and "BEEhaviour" is priceless. An old Bee Keeper who's no longer with us once told me "Know your Hive and you'll get to know your bees".


Fascinating. I love bees. I am teaching my grandson to appreciate and respect bees as well. Bees are important.


Oh my jeepers 4:48 gave me a damn heart attack 😂😂 my 6 yrold daughter is outback swimming with my husband and i heard that rooster in my headphones and thought it was her screaming lol scared me to death.
