Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade PS5 vs PS4Pro | Direct Comparison

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Direct visual and feature comparison of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade release on PS5 and it's PS4Pro counterpart.

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You young people and your graphics, back in my day Cloud was made out of about six boxes, and if the screen loaded at all we were happy.


CAUTION: you need choose the extra ps5-version in the store (its hide). If you just click on FF7 Remake it will still just install the ps4 version.


Nobody seems to notice this, although a very minor detail. But when starting a new game on the ps5 version vs the ps4 version, the music when the bird flies over midgar, is slightly changed. A few chords were switched around and the choir sings a few different parts. That's the first thing I noticed!


The trailer wasn't kidding: this game has graphics!


The 60FPS mode and minor fixes to environmental texture loading make the game feel much more immersive. It's definitely not perfect, but considering the games troubled development history, it's pretty impressive overall.

I do think there's work to be done with skyboxes and background environments. One of my biggest issues is that they're not dynamic at all. There's no flashing lights on structures or moving clouds or steam or anything like that. They're 100% stagnant. This is a little puzzling considering Square and FF's history with dynamic pre-rendered backgrounds.

I do really hope they address and improve this is the next installment, as it takes away from otherwise stunning scenes.


The sound was the second most obvious thing for me. The location effect is really good in PS5 where you can hear the person on your left or right ear, depending on location. And there is the environment echo that I appreciate. Also the most obvious is their choice to change the intro music altogether-- which for the record I prefer the original one better. Not sure why they changed it. Lastly I did notice that they did add a few new lines of dialogue.


Honestly 60 fps at a decent resolution was what I wanted most and they nailed that and more. I'm super happy.


At least they gave a free upgrade to the ps5 rather than making us pay another $60 for it


Amazing analysis! I have put Hundreds of hours into the original FFVII and still play it to this day. With Remake and Intergrade my obsession has been magnified deeper. I have put 220+ Hours into Remake and with Intergrade I plan on replaying the Game from scratch to get Platinum. I definitely agree with some of the drawbacks in the recent update but where they improved upon in other areas, they definitely excelled! 🙌


thank you for the very nice and detailed analysis of the major differences. much more helpful than just a split screens of random scenes moving at a pace too rapid to notice any differences


As if this game didn't already look amazing I was playing Metro Exodus enhanced and got the feeling we're spoiled.


your bird was quite talkative during your recording session, huh


I love the upgrades. Finally proper textures and 60fps! Music is amazing in INTERmission. In Remake in general. Easily OST of the decade for me.


Thanks Nick for all your great videos - they are really high quality and one can see the effort you put into them! Keep up the good work!


Okay, the most important detail I have yet to see anyone report on is the "slow shimmy" moments.

The PS4 version made you slowly shimmy through tight spaces several times in the game to allow the console time to load assets. Has the PS5 eliminated those now that it uses a high-speed SSD?


Please do Mirror's Edge vs Mirror's Edge : Catalyst direct comparison.

Catalyst has insane graphics, even 5 years later it looks like a movie.


That lack of SSR in the Shinra tower is a big loss. That whole chapter was jaw droppingly beautiful - like stop playing and just take a break from being overwhelmed at how beautiful everything is once you appear in front of the tower. Entering the Lobby itself was shocking at how good it looked. To know that that super stylized, super modernistic, super clean reflective surface look is muted is disappointing :(


I played this game start to finish again on hard mode. The little upgrades really added up. It felt genuinely next gen, at least in the main story cutscenes. The hub area still felt like a yakuza spinoff.


I'm eagearly waiting for that version to come on pc. I've been a fan of FF7 since my childhood, and getting older I just prefer gaming on a pc. It really hits me in the heart hearing the remastered music. There is no other game that gives me such strong emotions than this game.


I just received my PS5. Excited to try this one
