Spyro: A Hero's Tail | Full Game 100%

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Complete 100% playthrough of Spyro: A Hero's Tail (2004). This is the PS2 version, emulated with PCSX2 v1.4.0
00:00 Dragon Village
22:52 Crocovile Swamp
57:36 Dragonfly Falls
1:24:04 Gnasty's Cave (boss)
1:32:28 Coastal Remains
2:01:52 Sunken Ruins
2:27:54 Coastal Remains (continued)
2:46:12 Cloudy Domain
3:17:08 Watery Tomb (boss)
3:27:15 Frostbite Village
4:02:31 Gloomy Glacier
4:26:22 Ice Citadel
4:55:19 Frostbite Village (continued)
5:11:51 Crocovile Swamp (revisited)
5:15:32 Dragonfly Falls (revisited)
5:22:53 Sunken Ruins (revisited)
5:24:19 Cloudy Domain (revisited)
5:26:05 Red's Chamber (boss)
5:35:36 Stormy Beach
5:52:11 Molten Mount
6:18:14 Magma Falls
6:33:00 Dark Mine
7:05:51 Red's Laboratory
7:25:24 Frostbite Village (revisited)
7:30:56 Red's Lair (boss)
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17 years after the game released, and a cheat code has just been discovered. Open the extras menu and use the following code to unlock all the extras:
PS2: up, down, left, right, square, square, L2, R2.
Xbox/GameCube: up, down, left, right, X, X, left trigger, right trigger.


Man, all the memories of getting completely lost and having no idea what to do.


Along with the original trilogy, this game was my childhood. Me and my mum always played it and enjoyed the exploration. Loved this game


I wish they’d remaster this one too, this game was my childhood


Did I just watch all 7 hours?? Yes. Yes I did


This was THE very first video game I ever played. I had gotten stuck at the first elder trying to make the ledge jump to exit, (before you laugh remember I’d never played a game before and I was probably 5) I asked my big brother who in my eyes was way better at games than me for help making the jump. He said, “you’ll never learn how to get over ledges if I always do it for you, figure it out or stop playing” I spent the next embarrassing hour trying to make that stupid jump but I eventually I did it. I cheered for myself in elation and was proud that I could do something on my own that at the time seemed super hard. I continued to play the game and later beat it. It wouldn’t be for several years later that I would realize the importance of what my brother did for me. By making me do it on my own I had to figure out how to make that jump, or give up and quit the game. I learned that I wouldn’t always have help with problems and that I was capable of more if I tried hard enough. One of the most important life lessons I’ve ever learned and it started with a video game. This game truly is special to me, and you better believe that I cried when I accidentally saved over my original first ever saved game file. (Well done by the way TheMoonRover on the challenges, especially the timed ones. An outstanding play through, truly.)


Man, I need to dust off my PS2 and see if it still works. This shit was my childhood, and with everything going on right now, I good use a healthy dose of reliving the past.


God, the sound effects are amazing in this game, brings back so much nostalgia.


The spyro games mean a lot to me. I'm one of millions of others who grew up with the games. This game is especially meaningful.


Crocodile swamp scared me when I was a kid


As soon as the video started, I knew you were someone who knew what you were doing. The fact that, until 19:51, you didn’t take any damage while taking all the money in stride, all while making the penguin missions look easy is impressive. It makes watching further much more enjoyable than other playthroughs. I am awaiting for this game to come in the mail from eBay and watching this during quarantine surely helps pass the time.


This. This is the Spyro game I want a remaster for


The spiders in Crocoville Swamp used to scare me when I was younger, but I recently just bought this game and I can’t wait to play it again!!!


I had been hoping someone would upload this at better quality! I love falling asleep to these, thank you so much! c:


Been on a journey of healing the inner child in me and this really brings out lots of memories. I can imagine myself at that time when certain sound effects play, dialogue, etc. This game was great


When my brother was young and I was even younger I remember watching him play this, I don’t think we ever beat it, and that penguin flying was hard! So many good hours were spent with this game though, thank you for the video


3:12:49 until 3:15:17 was pure game master material. Incredible. I suffered so much during this bit, I salute you!


You know you really gotta wonder just how many brain cells Spyro lost through-out the course of the game.


man this game was my childhood aswell as enter the dragonfly


This is the closest we get to a fourth Spyro game.
