Xbox CEO on the Future of Xbox 'The Most Played Games Are On Any Screen'

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Phil Spencer joined me to talk about the future of the Xbox brand, how Xbox plans to integrate AI, he even teased the Xbox Handheld. He took on some tough questions and I am very greatful he made the time to chat with me and answer your tough questions. There's a lot of Xbox news today that came out of this including Xbox exclusives, Xbox and Steam, the focus for the Xbox ecosystem, and even Xbox Game Pass was mentioned. Tune in for all the details.

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(00:00) Introduction
(00:22) Reaction to the Xbox Showcase
(01:00) Ninja Gaiden Japan Trip
(02:31) Favorite Games
(04:26) Redefining Xbox Fans
(06:35) AI Xbox Tech
(07:55) Largest Technical Leap
(09:04) Xbox Handheld
(10:06) Are All Xbox Games Going to PlayStation?
(12:07) Starfield Exclusivity
(13:34) Xbox Losing It's Identity
(15:44) Where Xbox Will Grow the Most
(17:21) A Multi-Platform Future?
(19:26) Why Buy an Xbox?
(21:16) Steam
(22:35) Xbox Series S Parity
(24:47) Indie & AA Support
(26:59) Are More Games Coming?
(29:15) Phil & Xbox's Legacy

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Xbox is my main platform/eco system since the original Xbox in early 2000s. And for 15 years now i was hoping for a new Ninja Gaiden game. Thank you Phil for making this dream come true 😊


Having my saved data shared across platforms is ALL I want 🙏🏾


The way he says "NO" at 12:17 had me burst out laughing at work. But was the realest answer


I loaded up Black Ops II yesterday on Xbox Series X and was shocked my 360 content was there and saved.


Phil looks like a man that has thrown everyone else under the bus to save himself, now he’s looking around realizing he’s the only one left to throw.


How much did he pay you to not talk about Banjo?


I really like this direction. A lot. MS went on an i.p. spending spree, and that fountain can soak every gamer. It should. Fallout, DOOM, Wasteland, Outer Worlds, PENTIMENT, Elder Scrolls, Wolfenstein, Warcraft, Overwatch, Starcraft. MS holds a lot of fun cards and its smart to offer those experiences to everybody from here on out.


Steam on the next Xbox would give Xbox a megaton-level win.


Nintendo fanboys that are watching are probably saying "Just give us Banjo-Kazooie back and we'll be happy."


If you're a BAD businessman you FOCUS on the current market and on (usually dead-end) target groups. If you're a GOOD businessman you focus on new business opportunities and ADAPT accordingly. If you're a GREAT businessman you CREATE new markets and services that no one has predicted or researched.

Consoles are just boxes. I'm a long-time Xbox fan since the first console, of course my nostalgia is furious... but business is business and they are preparing for the future right now (seemingly doing a great job at that), plus we are getting incredible games!


It would be great if they would manage to make the entire Xbox library playable on PC without cloud gaming…play anywhere is such a great feature!


Rise of the Ronin was announced today for PC, the game will not be released for Xbox. Every day someone announces a game that will not be released on xbox. But xbox releases all exclusives on PS\Switch, and Sony\nintendo and third-party publishers do not release games on Xbox. Did you ask about the games that are - exclusively - skipping Xbox? Has anyone asked that question on any of these interviews? Keeping money-hatting aside, there are still many games that are not coming to Xbox because the platform is not worthy.


“If I could enable anything in my time here, it would be that—that we continue to innovate—not be defined by what was yesterday but looking forward to what creators and players want tomorrow.”

-Phil Spencer ladies and gentlemen. This is why, despite it all, I love Xbox. They are so forward looking and it’s always been a unique and exciting thing to see. Great interview Destin!


Phill will go down as the man who killed the xbox brand


Man I love ninja gaiden, but state of Decay 3 is my most anticipated game I can not wait.


Personally love the Series S part of the interview. Some people give the Series S crap, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise with the rise of PC handheld gaming and the Switch 2 coming into play.

Some developers can say whatever they want but they should put in the work on optimization if they want to reach as many players as possible.


I don't know if Phil reads all of the comments but I just wanted to say thank you for all the innovation and work you do.


To summarise:

1) No red lines on any future Xbox games coming to PlayStation / Nintendo, including Starfield. However some games already released will not be receiving multi-platform ports. Selling games off-platform will allow them to keep funding new games.

2) There will still be at least 1 more generation of Xbox hardware. Priority being placed on games having cross-buy and cross-save when bought via Xbox, as well as buy-to-stream enabled for first-party titles. Microsoft believe this and the value of Game Pass, along with focusing on more unique hardware instead of just stronger hardware, will incentivise people to continue buying Xbox consoles despite no exclusives


*How Phil instantly shits down Destin with an emphatic “NO!” Was hilarious!*
