The Last Stand is Hope : Intense Emotional and Motivational Music | Epic Music | Ambient Music

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This songs mix will take you on an exciting journey through different musical experiences inspired by hope. 🎶 Each track has been selected to inspire and strengthen your faith in human resilience. 💪 Whether you are facing a personal challenge or a collective battle, these songs will give you the courage and strength to keep going. 🔥 No matter what your current situation is, hope and determination are key ingredients to face any adversity. 🌟 Let this playlist inspire you and help you find the inner strength to fight and win your personal battle. 💥

🙏 Special thanks to the talented artists who created the music featured in this video. 🎵

Image by Karsten Bergmann on Pixabay

00:00 Whitesand - Circle of Life

04:01 Last Hero - Inaudio

06:56 Scott Buckley - Ascension

13:07 Infraction - Oslo

15:00 Scott Buckley - Race The Sun

19:52 Whitesand - Highway

24:40 Cold Cinema - Destiny

27:21 Omega - Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library

31:22 Rise - Whitesand

35:25 Whitesand - My Spirit Is Free

40:36 TakeTones - Northern Lights
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43:18 Whitesand - Dreams of Hope

47:49 Filaments – Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
• Filaments – Scott...

53:29 Whitesand - Those We Love

59:21 Slow Motion - Inaudio

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Stand up and be a warrior, stand up and speak up for what you think is right, don't give up, don't lose track, don't give in to the dark forces, they will laugh at you, beat you knock you down, tell you you're worth nothing, but leave them alone, 'cause on the other side of that hill is glory, my friend, glory you've never known until now


The last enemy to face is not death, rather it is yourself. Overcome yourself, your flaws, your fears, your prejudices, your sorrows... only then do you truely have victory. Free from the shackles that bind you, no other foe can ever compare


The last stand is my father in 1940 when as a Finnish soldier he faced a huge Russian Army armed with a heavy machinegun and not much else.That is bravery at its finest.I'm so proud that he was my dad.Asseri Johannes Kauppi, Soldier of the Army of Finland, 1920-2012.


Look to the future with firm faith, because the future belongs to those who never give up


The earth has plenty of space..dont worry we will all fit in one day!! All shall be as it was and is with the world all will never change..the wind will blow..the sun will shine and the rain will will carry on and we will all be a distant memory..only to be put back to whare we come from earth to earth and dust to dust..born a baby learning to walk and eat ..haveing someone to change us dress us feed us and the then become old and have to do this all over again..were are not on this earth for ever but will somehow become part of it and god speed its not to soon❤ give a little and take everything ❤


The way to succeed is not success, rather pain, sorrow, failure, faith, truth, love, motivation, discipline and much more. In a way we are going to succeed in something. But for failure we need success and for success we need failure.


This music makes you believe that our existence will never die and that we are all connected to keep Positive energy greater than the Negative ❤


*if you are reading this comment i wish you all the best of life <3*


That is right. The last condition that is to stand by and from is hope.


I get the feeling that this will be my last stand, I must put everything I have on the line in order to seize the long-desired triumph, time to bring out the best of the best that shall ensure me a ton of advantages and also a set of detrimental consequences if I miscalculate even for just a tiny bit.

I will fight.


We are all warriors against the damnation agenda2030, riddled like a cancer in every society of the planet, we can not give up, for the freedom, dignity, and free souls.
Listening to this music, we must remember, each enemy with a friend mask. Be yourselves, brave and conciencious people, this is a real fight, , and our enemies are like the number of stars in a winter, windy night.


This is great for studying. I feel like I am on an epic quest as I am reading and writing for my school work!


Currently going through a hard moment in my life, where my last resort is just hope and faith. The last stand is truly hope.


Used this to wrap up a particularly dramatic and hyped scene at the end of a campaign that has been going on for... way, way too long for me to remember.

I immediately hear in the middle of my monolog, "You finally picked some damned good music--"


This music brings a tear to your eyes looking at the picture makes me think about all the soldiers who have lost there life in the war past and present peace prosperity and friendship with all nations not this blood war


What's another pain that nobody will ever know, what's another tears that will never seen by anyone. You cannot give up, you have to walk if you can't run, craw if you can't walk by all means keep going front. This world sucks i know. people care about result other than what the effort behind it. The more you try to tell them the less they want to hear from you. Trust yourself, if you have gave up to became whoever you want to be who the hell is going to care. If no one cares why not die trying at least you try and at least you fight, the result doesn't matter what matter is you and you have fought.


The third track single-handedly helped me finish writing my book.


this is not only great for studying but also for motivation and psychological relaxation, listening to this heals me from the burnouts and makes me regret every single bad move I have had made towards anyone and anything basically. awesome playlist, they gave me tears for the next hope.


The image and the music seem to express the wars that the future generation is fighting


Thank you so much for the playlist. My life these days are way to overwhelmingly painful for me, I was just about to give up. But, not today, not even tomorrow will I ever throw the towel. My fantasy, my journey, I have to reach to the end
