Cranial Nerves III, IV & VI Explained - What do they do and how to examine them - Dr James Gill

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The ultimate guide to the cranial nerves continues with a triple features cranial nerve III, IV and VI are all examined at the same time, as these nerves control how the eyes move

For other cranial nerve examination explanation videos please look here:

Cranial Nerve Examination Demonstration:

Cranial Nerve I - Olfactory Nerve:

Cranial Nerve II - Optic Nerve

Cranial Nerves III, IV & VI

Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal Nerve

Cranial Nerve VII - The Facial Nerve

Cranial Nerve VIII - The Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Cranial Nerve IX & X - Glossopharyngeal & Vagus Nerve

Cranial Nerve XI & XII - Accessory & Hypoglossal Nerve

Over this series of videos I'll be covering what most people have asked for, additional information on

- The normal function of each cranial nerve
- How / why any special tests are performed
- crucially what is being looked at during each step of the examination.

I'm hoping to have this whole series finished this week - it was previously going to be delivered as a single video, but I think it would be more useful for people to be able to jump in and out to the various nerves they are wanting extra information on

Keep dropping the comments, and I'm really grateful for all the improvements people are suggesting, which is helping this channel to evolve - THANK YOU


pictures used:

#CranialNerves #ClinicalExamination #DrGill #asmr #cranialnerve

00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor Nerve Function
01:03 - Assessing Eye Movement: The Eight-Point Star Test
01:47 - Anatomy of the Eye: Muscles and Movement
02:33 - Understanding Cranial Nerve Functions in Eye Movement
03:02 - Abnormalities in Eye Movement
04:02 - Assessing Eye Movement for Double Vision
05:17 - Cranial Nerves III, IV & VI: Demonstration
Рекомендации по теме

I'm not even in a medical field. But I'm so interested in your teachings. Your explanation is so clear!


The first 30 secs of audio is naff... but as we know everything is locked down, I won’t be able to refilm for a so had to make do


Dr gill, still serving asmr community despite corona epidemic, great salute to


I was not prepared for him to hit the table with his chin at the start


Not sure how to explain this but I’d love to see some ”emergency tutorials”, if possible of course. Basically what to look for and assess during an emergency situation, like pupil dilation/contraction, pulse and pressure to mention some examples.

I am a pharmacist with a general interest in medical care. I’ve always wanted to know about life saving actions ”beyond CPR” so to speak.

Thank you for your highly informative and pedagogical videos, keep up the good work💐

//Greetings from Sweden :)


Finally i can watch something useful during quarantine. Thank you.
Keep up the good work doc!


You can take a joke and have fun, yet still put out some quality information, you are the man!
Very glad you made your own channel. My dissertation has been suspended for obvious reasons, and I am so bored, your videos have really helped keep me motivated, cheers from Scotland👍


Dr. Gill could no longer contain his pent up humour and had to unleash it along with his sidekick (or head), the blue-nosed anatomical head. A very well explained run-through of the cranial nerves!


what's up doctor!
I would just like to say that I'm loving your content right now, and you're one of the few medical youtubers that has actually made me realize how much I love this type of science. I'm 17 now, and really looking forward to becoming a professional in this area, maybe as a sports physician


Your videos get more entertaining and practical every time. I feel like I’m watching a tv segment. This is great please keep it up!


Thank you Doc, you’re really on it, so informative, you make learning fun even for us non medical persons, I’ve learned things I never thought I would 👍


You should teach an online class about the basics of physical examinations, like an edex class or something with all your videos compiled into a class. I would love it if I could get acknowledgement or certification from the education I get from all your videos Dr. Gill! I am relaxed and learn something every time I watch!

Currently an engineering student at Iowa State but you have really inspired me to pursure further into bio mechanics and possibly become an industrial engineer in the medical field!


Very interesting! Thank you for all these fascinating videos, Dr Gill!


I just like watching and listening to you.


5:36 *record scratch* yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.


Finally we get to feel double vision in HD


I'm glad this guy embraced the ASMR meme but decided to be super educational and


Note that for all muscles except the lateral- and medial recti, the directions in which these muscles are tested clinically differ from the direction they would move the eyeball if acting in isolation. The difference arises because eye movements are the result of complex interactions between several extraocular muscles. Therefore, the movement used to test a particular muscle clinically is the movement that most effectively excludes the participation of other muscles. For example, while the superior oblique (SO) depresses and abducts the eye when acting in isolation, depression is also produced by the inferior rectus (IR), and abduction is also produced by the lateral rectus (LR). However, due to their different points of insertion, the IR is the more efficient depressor of the eye in abduction, while the SO is the more efficient depressor in adduction. Looking down and inwards, therefore, allows the isolated clinical examination of the SO . Similar principles apply to the movements used for clinical testing of the IR, SR, and IO.


This entire video was me going "ooOOOooh". Thanks Dr. Gill!
I do understand this is intended for med students, but having some kind of understanding of what is going on in an exam as a patient is rather... well, nice. (There's a joke about not going to an exam blind, but I won't make it.)


Hoping you'll do the nervous, digestive, lymphatic system
