Are We Really Preaching the FINISHED WORK of Jesus Christ? (1/7) | Joshua Tongol

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For the complete series of "Are We Really Preaching the FINISHED WORK of Jesus Christ?" (7 parts) click here:

Location: Light of the World, Makati City

Jesus is came to save ALL. Did He fail? Or did He succeed? Did He potentially save the world? Or did He save the world?

Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED." But why is the "gospel" preached today as though it is UNFINISHED? Is it possible that many interpret "salvation verses" out of context without interpreting them in light of the FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS?

What if the world was ALREADY RECONCILED? Would we focus so much on trying to ESCAPE THIS WORLD and damn the rest of humanity who don't believe like us? Or would we learn to live with and love on one another because the KINGDOM is already here and now?

Sadly, much of what is believed as the "gospel" has created so much division, intolerance, hatred and wars. Ironically, many Christians cannot even agree with each other, yet each group thinks God is on their side and against everyone else.

It's time to question, challenge and rethink what the GOOD NEWS really is for the world that God loves.

This sermon will create a huge paradigm shift for many people if they are open.

Please listen to the entire message (7 parts) in order to get the full context of what Joshua is saying.

Here are the things that will be covered in the message:

-Are We Really Preaching the finished work?
-Does God accept you before you believe?
-The secret that religion does not want you to know
-Is Adam greater than Jesus?
-Does God give us a choice?
-The difference between believers and unbelievers
-Do all roads lead to God?
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It is written: John 3: 36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel! Repent and preach the only true Gospel. This I speak in Love.


Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." (John 8:24, NASB)


its time for us to move out of the Dark Age and move forward along with our Daddy.:)


surely The ' work' of the New Testament Christian is to believe


To me, the 'finished work of Christ' is that Christ was sent by His Father to redeem the world. That includes his sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection!
So believing in the finished work of Christ is accepting that Jesus's death and resurrection is enough for my redemption from sin.

Grace just means not under the law.

If anyone do not believe in God and that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to redeem/saves us from sin then they'll be lost!

Your believe in God and in Christ does not depend on what others believe. It's a relationship personal.

Plus, Jesus said let the 'wheat and tare' grow together.

The Father is responsible for the separation of the wheat and tare.
It's not the business nor concern of anyone.


if u don't believe u won't be saved, simple as that.


It’s just merely “strong FAITH” to simple minded Grace accepting Christian but it seems radical because of their blinders to a legalistic Pharisee under a Law.
His view & questions has a Worldly democratic cry as if God has to answer every question. God is Sovereign & he has things the way they are for his own glory. If you’ve problem with that, that is lack of TRUST or FAITH.


are u saying that if u dont believe, u have a chance to be saved??? So why the bible says if u confess with ur mouth that jesus is lord and u believe in ur heart that he was rised from the deads u will b saved? This video doesn't make any sense, it goes against the gospel of grace tha the great apostle paul is preaching.


FAITH is to believe in God AND that He sent his Son Jesus Christ!
WORKS is the fruit of the Spirit and the acts of kindness inspired by the love in God as opposed to human selfish nature of doing for something in exchange.

Remember, there are two relationships:
1. Spiritual Relationship with God.(FAITH). (invisible/intangible)
2. Fraternal Relationship with your

You can't be spiritual or 'impress' God by works.
You can't be fraternal or express kindness to others by faith.

All your actions/works must be motivated/inspired by your faith in God.

If you say that you love the Invisible God and hate your neighbors then you are a liar.
Likewise, faith without works is dead.


check out videos by: Gerry Beauchemin
his book Hope Beyond Hell - is excellent
