Positive & Practical Islamic Parenting | Sr. Hina Khan-Mukhtar

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Based on her popular 1997 parenting article "Raising Children with Deen and Dunya," Hina Khan-Mukhtar gives spiritual and practical insights road-mapping ten ingredients to raise God-conscious children in the West:

1.) Dua, Dua, Dua
2.) Suhba (companionship) will make you or break you.
3.) The Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasallam) was a living, breathing reality in our lives.
4.) Having fun wasn’t “haraam” in our home, but we kept the home environment as pure as possible.
5.) Our parents didn’t just “talk the talk”, they “walked the walk”.
6.) I wasn’t afraid to be the Bad Guy, but I never behaved badly.
7.) I always kept them close by.
9.) Talk to your kids…with love.
8.) We didn’t spoil our kids nor did we praise them too much.
10.) They had a pious father who engaged them.

Sr. Hina delivered this seminar on May 7, 2016 at Institute of Knowledge in Diamond Bar, California. This talk was delivered via the Muslim Community Center - East Bay (MCC East Bay) in Pleasanton, California.

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Рекомендации по теме

1) dua..
2) Comapanionship
3) Talk about prophet muhammad
4)Having fun( keeping the environment as pure as possible
& The media how to handle )
5)Practiced with preached (islamic principles )
6)Friendly with children
7)Keep the kids close to u .
8)Do not praise too much
9)Talk to kids with love
10) engage the children( pious father )


I decided to re-parent myself as an adult starting in my late 20s after much struggle growing up. This is helping me tremendously to understand how to provide myself with an upbringing I needed. Thank you.


When I looked at her, I thought she was a young girl, but when she said my first child was born in 1997, I was shocked. Allahuma barik her age .


Assalaamoalikum i am from trinidad i have four kids n all practise their islam from an early age like yor friend son n all marry to muslim n practising muslim family alhumdulillah our second house is our masjid n our kids grow up their also alhumdulillah jus sharing


Amazing lecture, I have learned so much from this video.
My Allah blesses her.


when I was 10, I started to pray at masjid, although my parents are not religious. I think my teachers had a part in this, but not all kids in my situation were interested in deen. I was drawn towards truth and to being good. There's qadr of course


Our maulvi saheb in Pakistan would come to the house on Honda 175 cc (Bright blood red) to teach us three brothers the Quran. I was 13, the 2nd one was 11 and the youngest 9. Our maulvi was about 40 ish but a very jolly and talkative fellow. This was the mid 1970s and telephones were an elitist luxury in Pakistan, and we had one! Thus, the following arrangement emerged. Two of the younger ones would recite and learn the Quran while I would take off on maulvi saheb's Honda around the block for a few rounds. He had initially taught me the basics of riding the bike. Maulvi saheb would teach the Quran and use the telephone while I would make a few quick passes and return to finish up my lesson. We all finished our Quran and eventually all also learned to ride that bike! Wonderful memories!


May Allah reward you sister that was packed with practical and applicable lessons. Very up to date. Every parent should listen to this.


May Allah reward you for this wonderful gesture and efforts and May Allah guide the rest of us to the right path. Ameen


Great speech
Masha Allah
Keep doing this SADQA JARIA


Such an inspirational talk! It also gave me a lot of anxiety as a mother of a 4 year old boy. I’m aware of the struggle raising a child in non-muslim community but the stories about the kids whose environment not controlled well and turn out to unfixable problems is very scary. May Allah guide us to the righteous path and help us maintain.


May Allah help the Family who struggles with the addiction, I imagined the pain and cried. never thought that pornography could affect that much, thank you for sharing with us the information and stories.


What a fantastic lecture, jazzak Allah kola khyr ❤


I’m so happy i came across this vedio. Jazakallahu khair sister for doing the hardwork for gathering so many examples for us. May Allah reward you immensely and bless you and your family with righteousness and guidance forever.


JazakAllahu khairan kaseeran! I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to you.
Rehmas, Barakah, and Fazal from Allah be upon you and your family for your efforts to uphold this lovely Islamic lecture! Ameen


Excellent talk! JazakiAllah khair. I'm halfway through just wanted to mention instead of saying, "they do weird things." I'd rather say inappropriate, disrespectful, or harmful.


A story in suratul Kahf speaks about a boy whose father was pious, so yes the true piety of parents has surely a positive impact on children


Salaam sister, you are truly an inspiration to muslima sisters, wives, grandmothers and etc. Culture is still a dominant influence in so many western Islamic societies perhaps 🤔 you can research and share your 💭 thoughts. (My bad if I haven’t seen it yet). You also touched on the subject of “family bond” In my opinion this implemented the core family values for which all parents (not only Muslim) should adopt. Thank you for such a thought provoking seminar and please forgive me if my words have offended anyone. Blessings Z


I actually listened to this whole presentation and I cannot thank you enough. You've touched on the most pertinent points. Can you please highlight in the comments the 10 points. Dua etc etc


Beautiful prophetic dua is regarding friendship. اللهم اني اعوذ بك من خليل ماكر عيناه ترياني و قلبه يرعاني and I think that's beautiful. Please translate it for your followers shukran
