Elden Ring Magic Build Guide - How to Build a Sorcerer (Level 50 Guide)

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Elden Ring Magic Build Guide - How to Build a Sorcerer (Level 50 Guide)
In this Elden Ring Build Guide I’ll be showing you my Meteorite Staff Build. This is an advanced build that takes place at level 50 and the evolved version of the Mage build. If you’ve been looking to upgrade your Mage build then you might want to check this build-out.

0:00 - Elden Ring Sorcerer Guide
0:18 - How to make this build work
6:54 - Sorcerer Gameplay
9:51 - Sorcerer Attributes
11:15 - Final Thoughts

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Anyone watching this after 1.03 - It needs to be updated. Determination no longer works this way, Greater Shard is now cheaper and has more range.


Rock sling was an absolute godsend in the early game, hell even late game it’s one of the more effective spells in the game.


“You gotta use the least FP to deal most the dmg”
Me: spams pebble


I must say it's absolutely mad how you're able to pump out as many guides as you do. I strongly look forward to your Lv100 Mage guide. Keep it up!


I'm level 128 but you've still given great tips I didn't even know about. Thank you


Another useful spell that goes under the radar is ambush shard. It hits from behind so it's a safer way to take down enemies with shields than having to get in closer to bait the shield drop. It also doesn't trigger the dodge of enemies that juke your glintstone shard while advancing.


I decided to drink everytime you said staff. I'm 2:30 minutes in and I think im gonna die before the end of this video


Glad you finally did this video! This is the one I’ve been waiting for ever since the first mage video 2 weeks ago. My mage is level 40 atm, so I’ve been looking forward to this.


Thank you sir!

I beat the game yesterday with my 2 handed bonk build, and just started a sorcerer last night to go in a completely different playstyle :) Much appreciated


Also, pro tip: if you're up against a dodgy enemy and you can't hit them with the pebble, try rock sling. Its slower and costs more but those dodgy bastards dodge a bit too early for rock sling so it's slowness becomes its strength. And to make up for the distance they cover while casting it usually staggers them a bit.


For sure this game does keep you awake late at night! Thank you for your awesome videos Fextra!


See this is the exact reason why I watch every build video you post even if I'm not necessarily playing that type of build myself, because they all have information in them that does benefit my build or planned future builds. One of my other playthrough characters is kind of a cross between Spellblade Magus and Moonveil Samurai and I was thinking when I should switch from the meteorite staff to an upgradeable one AND which one should it be, and needless to say this video really helped towards answering those questions. Said before but it's worth saying again, thanks for your (and anyone else's if this isn't a solo effort) for all the work you put into all the videos AND the Wiki, no matter what game it is Fextra is always the first and most wiki I turn to


I've been waiting for this. Thank you so much :) This is my life now this is where I live.


Another awesome build dude thank you! Can’t wait to see the next set of build videos


Edit: Fromsoft removed these two weapon arts interaction with spells after patch 1.03!

Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve is even better than Determination for buffing spell damage. Cost the same FP cost but is a 80~100% damage buff compared to 60%. You get it from Volcano Manor. I put it on the Misericordi dagger and man, what a life changer.


Can’t wait for the level 100 version of this! I have a similar build but adding the dagger/spells should make things a bit better.


Awesome videos and content. Truly Appreciate it! Just found your videos and then your Wikis. O my goodness, you have some very well made wikis and content. Thanks!

Playing a Samurai up to 38, then got a bit frustrated, and started up a Mage (Astrologer) and it feels like easy mode. So many of the things I had issues going toe to toe with melee wise at well above the level of the content. Then come in with a mage at the beginning and taking down giants and trolls, and now got the meteorite staff and working on gear, already up to 25.

I really need to work on the melee style I guess, but crazy what I am taking down without much of a sweat.


This is awesome. Lots of useful info. Can’t wait for the advanced builds!!


You guys dont sleep!! thanks for the awesome guides


I'm definitely doing a mage for my 3rd playthrough! (did the dual strength weapons jumping first, gave up after the academy, now blood dragon and I love the bleed and rot! This mage is definitely the ranged build I will need to try for the 3rd playthrough! Learning to use FP per enemy sounds like a challenge indeed!
