A Land of Darkness (Parias season 1, episode 2)

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In this episode of Parias, we take ourselves to the Antarctic circle of the Lucindan continent, examining the adaptations needed to survive one of the coldest places on the planet, five million years after the planet was abandoned by humanity.

Parias (Pronounced Par I us) is a speculative evolution project that follows the evolutionary future of the flora and fauna abandoned on this terraformed world far, far away from Earth. This world can be found in the Necare system, a solar system with twin suns. If you would like to, subscribe and like the video for more content like this in the future! It would be really helpful if you were to do this, as I plan to upload more about this project shortly.

Parias is also an open project! We have a discord server with around 105 members at the time of me writing this description, but if you so wish the link for joining the server will be down below. On the discord server, you will have access to a community of speculative evolution enjoyers alongside perks such as first access to videos and sneak peaks for upcoming projects. Maybe even a blooper reel here and there! On top of that, you can upload your own creatures to be in the canon of Parias, the rules for which can be found in said server. It would mean the world to me if you can come on by, so check it out!

I would like to thank you all for watching and subscribing, you guys are the best and I couldn't be gladder to produce content for y'all. At the time of writing this description, the channel has almost 400 subscribers, I am very grateful for each and every one of you to be here watching this video. Unfortunately, after this video I will have some schoolwork to get to so another episode will likely not come out for another month or two.

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Video came out great. Glad I could help the project with some submissions. Looking forward to the next video.


This video has two standout aspects:

1. I have never heard of, or even imagined, a queen and cast based hive species that is a plant, as opposed to an animal. It is always a treat to come across an idea that is both entirely new and fascinating.

2. It is a joy to see the inclusion of fungi. This is the only speculative evolution project I've seen that has not ignored the fungus kingdom.


Parias monday and Kaimere Tuesday? Splendid.


I like the 'Note: the big white line does not exist on Parias'


This is my new Favorite Documentary series.


I think you are damn underrated. You deserve more public and more notoriety.


I think that some of these spiders should evolve towards something that resembles hermit crabs. also very cool series


This project is very interesting! I'll be watching everything and waiting for more ❤


Great video! I like the Spec Evo and tbh ur voice. Its calm, clear and has a slightly melancholic tone, which i like.

Just a little note to the Fur-topic.
The reason why almost only mammals/Birds have fur/feathers is because they are warm-blooded animals. Reptiles, crustaceans, spiders and insects that don't live in hives as bees) derive little benefit from fur, other than as protection from parasites or, in some cases, from moisture.

Since they dont produce any bodyheat, it is actually counterproductive, as an insect etc. would actually shield itself from heat sources.
It would take valuable time because the temperature exchange would be slower and the animal would therefore be vulnerable to attacks for longer. That's why it's usually the case that these animals require some kind of antifreeze instead.

This is not meant as a roast or harsh criticism, but just additional info.


Wow this world is incredible and i love the slight variation that makes it unique and that soothing narrating voice is just amazing


Wow the false qaul is a really cool and interesting idea also the predatory pig is an awesome one two


Love seeing a collaborative project like this!


I haven't watched the other eps yet but I do wonder where my snow trooper the wolverine has gone? I couldn't imagine a world with such a climate where those steroid badgers would just go extinct. But still love the stuff you’re making and I’ll wait like a good little boy for my monster wolverine descendant


All thats burrowing in the underground would make the soil brittle and prone to maybe a big ass extinction?


Single branchedly, awww that is so cute <3 ^8^


Guys, this is incredible! Amazing work from all those involved.


oh new vid! Cant watch rn but im curious to watch it when i have time


Cool video. I like how you had all sorts of species for different areas like fungi and aquatic animals. Itd be cool to see what stuff youll come up with for some more birds or small mammals like mice/ rats.

eg one that is the same yellow color as the aspen leaves around the time of autumn and use that as camoflage on the forest floor to survive and reproduce massively where most of the more dangerous predators would be hybernating or migrating. but you could probably come up with cooler ideas


Hi I really enjoy your project but sadly I can't join the discord for some reason my device for some reason splits it in two and stuff but I do say I enjoy this series


Do you have a website or deviant art with specific sizes for all the animals? I was wondering how big the owl was. Also why no mountain lions? Great project by the way.
