Trump Threatens To Flee The Country If He Loses Election

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Donald Trump made a claim during his recent (disastrous) interview with Elon Musk about how he could flee the country if he doesn’t win the 2024 election. He made a comment about moving to Venezuela since it would be “safer” than living in the United States. But it isn’t immigration that Trump is actually worried about – he’s worried about the possibility of spending years behind bars. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

During his absolutely bonkers interview with Elon Musk on Twitter on Monday night, Donald Trump actually admitted something that could stressing the word, could not will, but could end up literally landing him in jail. Here is what Donald Trump said that legal experts immediately flagged as showing that Donald Trump is clearly a flight risk. Trump said, quote, if something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country. Okay? So we'll go. You and I will go and we'll have a meeting in dinner in Venezuela.

Now, there is more, there's a little more context, and I'm gonna read you that in a minute. But here's the thing. Donald Trump is currently out on bail, okay, he is a convicted felon that is awaiting sentencing on September 18th, because yes, that is still on the docket has not changed yet. It may, but it hasn't yet. So if any of these other places, including New York where he was convicted, but if any of them decide that, hey, this statement means Donald Trump is a flight risk, they can go to the judge, including in places where he is only been indicted. They can go to the courts and say, listen, this man is threatening to leave the country. If he doesn't win this year's election, our trial is not gonna take place before the election. We're afraid at this point, he's a flight risk. I mean, because if we look at the polls right now, he's, he's not winning this election.

He could flee the country before we're able to prosecute him. He could flee the country before we're able to sentence him. We want to have his bond revoked. This statement, even with the additional context I'm about to give, you could easily be seen by a court as a threat that Donald Trump knows if he doesn't win the election, jail is already likely his next stop. So he is telling us he's going to leave the country. Yeah, I think that's a pretty easy case to make in court. But as I said, there's a little bit extra context here. 'cause Trump did continue. He said, talking of Venezuela, the crime rate is coming down and our crime rate is going through the roof. That's a lie. Before I continue, let me point out, that is a lie. The crime rate in the United States is actually going down and has been for the last year and a half. And it's so simple and you haven't seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and they're just getting acclimated and they don't know about being politically correct, law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police. I have to just end with this. We have great police. I'll tell you what, Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of them. They've gotten rid of about 70% of their really bad people.

Their jails are about 50% put into the United States. Same with the other countries. Over 30%, some are at 50%, they're all different. But the bottom line is they're all going to be 100%. Why wouldn't you put 100% of it? Now, aside from that being an insane statement, that is completely based in Donald Trump's fantasy world, it also makes no sense. Like his sentences, the words he's saying do not make sense because Donald Trump's trying to cover up what he said. That's why it doesn't make sense. That's why it's not rooted in reality, because Donald Trump's not thinking of going to Venezuela because, oh, well they've sent their bad people here, so their country must be nice. No, the reason Venezuela's crime rate is actually falling is not because they've sent everybody here. There is literally no evidence to back up any of those claims that Trump makes.
Рекомендации по теме

His bail should be revoked immediately, he is threatening to leave the country.
Take away his planes


JAIL! He should face the consequences of his multiple crimes and deter others from doing the same. Nobody should be above the law, especially him.


Shouldn’t this invalidate his freedom of movement? He has been convicted of crimes yet here he is running his mouth. Why is he still allowed to have a plane and a passport?


Oh please do leave, we don't need him here. Throw his butt in jail already!


He should be taken into custody immediately. This has gone on too long, it's a huge red flag, and he is out on bail.


He is absolutely insane. Should not be allowed to leave the country. Live the rest of his miserable life behind bars. No media access to spew his venom. 🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸


I know people want to say good riddance, and goodbye, but he needs to serve his jail time if he gets it.


That’s not a threat, that’s a gift. The best gift actually.


He should be in jail for the rest of his life for all the crimes he committed. He is a 34 times felon, twice rapist, the worst crime his J6 and many more.


I want him in prison. There is no justice anywhere if Trump is allowed to flee.


If he flees, there is a likelihood he will give up national secrets that could put the US at risk. In jail he can be isolated from others.
He needs to be treated like the traitor that he is.


I don't care where he goes as long as we don't ever have to see or hear him again.


When Donald Trump gets sentenced in September, prosecutors should play that clip in front of Judge Merchand and he should place Donald Trump into custody right there immediately.


A mix of arrogance, ignorance, bullying and utter stupidity; that’s the Trump show…


I always said: “he’s not running FOR President, he’s running FROM the law.”


The fact that his travel was never restricted in the first place just highlights how much preferential treatment Trump has received. It’s shameful


His passport should be seized and he should be forced to face the justice he so richly deserves. Not only that, his fingerprints should be checked against unsolved crimes.


He should have been held in jail during this entire process.


And he has the audacity to claim criminals cross borders. While planning on avoiding justice by crossing borders.


I've always believed that he would flee like the rats on a sinking ship❗️🇺🇸💙
