How a Car AC System Works - For Beginners

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How a car ac a/c system works, how does an ac system work?, how do car ac systems work, what are the components of an ac system, how does an ac compressor work, how does an a/c condenser work, what does a receiver drier do, whats the difference between a receiver drier and an a/c accumulator, acumulator, what is an expansion valve, how does an expansion valve work, whats the difference between and expansion valve and an orifice tube, what does an evaporator do, where is my a/c evaporator located, a/c systems explained.

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Рекомендации по теме

Ive never completely understood anyone except for this guy. Guy you explain this stuff perfect. I really appreciate it i know a bunch but ive learned everything else from these videos. Keep it up!! Ill for sure send people to your videos my guy. 💯 the BEST!!!


Best basic description of AC system operation I've seen.


My condenser, compressor and expansion valve are all being replaced right now, thank you for such a clear explanation on how the AC system works! Great video.


Great video! This actually clears up a lot of things I needed to know while repairing my own ac. Thanks a bunch!


This is exactly what I wanted to learn tonight (2017). Great explanations and thankful this was here.


Good job on tutorial. One clarification to note: A system that uses a clutch-cycling orifice tube as a metering device vs TXV thermal expansion valve as drawn above; utilizes an accumulator/drier that is located on the low-side between the evaporator and compressor. It is used to catch excess refrigerant liquid and lubricant oil that leaves the evaporator. It will allow some oil to enter vapor stream to help lubricate the compressor.
TXV metering device system has a receiver/drier located on HIGH SIDE between condenser and evaporator.
CCOC orifice tube system has an accumulator/drier located on LOW SIDE (w/ LS cycling switch) between evaporator and compressor.


Very nice explanation! I know the very basics of auto mechanics, nothing to advanced. So recently my condensor broke and I had no idea what that was! Your video helped explain what I am paying the mechanic to fix! Keep making more videos!


Wow great explanation. Although this was specific for a car AC system, this explanation is also perfect for any basic AC system. Great Job.


Thank you so much for creating this video, I was curious how my car's A/C system works. This video provides a clean and easy to follow overview of an A/C system and will be helpful to me as I try to solve my car's A/C problem. Thanks again for the well made video and explanation!!


Appreciate you taking the time to make this video.


Extremely well done. You're an excellent instructor.


Maybe you should try a laser pointer to point engine parts out. That way you don't have to stick your hands in a tight area and the viewer can tell exactly where you're pointing. Thanks for the video.


Thank you for your a/c videos. Though I’ve worked on lots of cars, I never worked on an a/c system until the system in my 2005 Silverado died. Your videos clearly explain how a system works and what to look for when it doesn’t. Thanks again.


Thanks for the video. I had a 1989 Honda Accord and the system had a sight glass on one of the components and I could see the refrigerant flow in one direction. I don't recall a vehicle I've had since then that had a sight glass. Thanks again.


I had to give you a thumbs up you did a good job explaining the AC system. Good Luck!


Love the video, helps me to understand more the function of the A/C, keep it up!!!!


Good explanation on the differences between orifice style and variable expansion style. Just what I needed thanks.


Well Done Video, really simple and well explained. I wish he would've mentioned a few other things that are part of the ac system like the high and low side pressure switches and the condensation drain for the evaporator. Small things like those are important as well.


Thanks for all the info. I took my 2000 Subaru Outback to a mechanic and he wants $2000 to find the blockage in my system. I bought a set of gauges and a temperature gun to try and find the blockage. But I screwed up from the get go. The gauges didn't come with any directions, (ebay) so I didn't close off the yellow hose when I connected the red and blue lines to the high and low ports. So when I opened up the high and low gauges after turning on my engine and running the a/c on high, I could feel pressure coming out of the yellow line. I believe I evacuated what Freon I had in the system. My gauges are reading 0 on the red side and 10psi on the blue, and my compressor clutch will not engage. The clutch was engaging before when I added Freon to the system, and the mechanic never mentioned it not working. So I think it was me who screwed up by not blocking off the yellow hose on my gauge set. Do I need to evacuate the system before adding new Freon to it ? I figure once I get Freon back in the system I will be better equipped to diagnose where the blockage may be. Any tips for locating a blockage ? Scotty Kilmer's video mentioned using the temperature gun. If I need to replace the condenser, should I replace the drier as well ? Thanks for any help and God bless you for helping out your fellow man. John


Great video! There's is not so good explained videos in spanish. So you helped me to learn how an A/C works, thanks man!
