Code Review tool for personal effectiveness and waste analysis (Mikalai Alimenkou, Ukraine)

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Usually it is hard to analyze personal effectiveness and detect wastes in development process because developer’s work decomposition is not transparent and available for analysis. As a good sample of ineffective process imagine developer, who spends 1 day on task implementation and then reimplements it several times according to code review notes during next 2 days. Or another developer, who is waiting for code review during 2 days, switching context to other tasks, finally gets notes and switches back to initial task, trying to refresh all details in his head. And so on and so forth…

Code review tool usage helps to aggregate lots of useful information about any code change at any stage (static analysis, code review, rework, acceptance, integration into main branch). In this talk I’m going to demontrate how this information could be used for detailed analysis of development effectiveness and wastes detection. Based on mentioned analysis you could implement many improvements for your development process and then measure their success.
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32:50 - я просто плачу від 5 ревьортів які у нас були, а все із за того, то треба то ні, то знову треба, тільки не в прод і не зараз
