Kenwood TH-D72 - Digipeater Setup

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I found a great find at the last ham fest I went to where I picked up a Kenwood TH-D72 in good condition. Even though this radio is older than the D74 I have, this radio has two key features that set it apart from the D74. It’s full duplex, which I intend to use for satellite work and it has a built in Digipeater. I went on YouTube looking for info on how to setup the Digipeater, but there were no videos on this surprisingly, so today’s video is going to be how to go about setting up the digipeater on the Kenwood TH-D72. The upcoming Kenwood TH-D75 will also have a digipeater on it, but I didn't want to wait any longer couldn't pass up this opportunity to pick up a D72 when I saw it.
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Thanks for filling a need. Excellent work.


Thanks. We need more modern videos on this radio. Would you set this up with an external amp and power supply for this situation? And does it allow cross band repeat at the same time?


I don’t know if I’ll ever get this radio but the niche but clear informal information is always very helpful to someone out there. Amazing video


I'm about 99% sure you bought that from me at the Knoxville Hamfest. I was set up next to W4KEV with the 103.5 WIMZ canopy. I hope you enjoy the radio. 73, KO4CXD