I made CONTACT! UHF ISS Digipeater

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This was my second contact through the ISS digipeater. I actually contacted the same station I contacted in this video, W8LR, three days before, but I wasn't recording any video.

For this video I recorded the audio from my Kenwood TH-D72a and later played it back to Soundmodem+UISS. Soundmodem decodes many more packets than my radio does. I made a screen capture of UISS and its map so you can see the complete details of every received packet.

Another thing this video shows is how hard it can be to track a near overhead pass (close to 90 degrees elevation). When I was beginning in satellites I only tried to work overhead passes because I knew the signal would be strongest when the satellite was closest to me. While that is true, the closer the satellite is to you the faster its relative speed is. When it passes overhead it switches from coming towards you to going away from you very fast, and drops 10s of degrees in seconds. That makes the satellite very easy to lose track of.

In this video I got distracted while changing settings on my radio and lost the ISS after it went overhead. It didn't help that I was using a tripod for the first time. I prefer to hold the antenna in my hand precisecly because I find it's easier to track, as I can make quick adjustments and listen for the signal going up and down. To control the radio for packet, it helps to have two hands. See my previous UHF ISS digi video to see how hard it is to change settings with one hand.

Here is the very appropriate QSL card I got from W8LR for my first ISS digi contact:

Here are all the stations I heard on the pass from this video (time stamps GMT -5)
N4ZQ 12/18/2016 11:08:08 System time
KG4AKV-5 12/18/2016 11:08:13
W8LR 12/18/2016 11:09:02
KC4LE 12/18/2016 11:09:17
W0NBC 12/18/2016 11:11:07
RS0ISS 12/18/2016 11:11:38
W4TBD-6 12/18/2016 11:12:14
KA8YES-6 12/18/2016 11:12:52

Total Stations = 8

Thanks for watching,

73, John Brier KG4AKV

The music at the end is "Jubilee - Opa--locka"
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When discord servers are in maintence and you still need to communicate with your team


Really high video editing quality and format. In my opinion . Thank you. The split screens are amazing


I had my very first packet digipeated via 2-meter ISS Digipeater about a week ago. All the steps covered in this video seems quite familiar for me too. :) I am using handheld without APRS built in, all packet work is done by software, the same UISS program (and UZ7HO Soundmodem). Very important thing when using radio without APRS capabilities is to properly adjust audio level that goes from computer to radio (TX). It is quite touchy thing, at least for my VX-6 but it make a difference between not getting into the Digipeater with 6-element Yagi antenna versus QRV with a 40 cm (16 inches) whip (RH-771). Again, I am talking about 145 Mc frequency. DE YL3GU, Marcis.


I have never tried packet. After watching this video I am going to give it a try. I do believe my Kenwood TM-V71A will do packet operation. Thanks for the video, a few years old but still very useful.


next day the fbi knocks at your door for interfearing with iss


Congratulations again and great work on the video and the contacts! Just ordered my cable and soon an arrow :)


John, congrats on 1000 subs. I've been using a tripod from the start, and have found its easier to tilt the entire rig on 2 legs to get the max el on 90 degree passes, then I rotate the entire rig 180 degrees to track the decent. Still not a single contact, I think my sorry excuse for radios were to blame. My first try with my new 710 got me into the iss digipeater on the first try, though.... Hope to contact you on the air shortly.


Congrats on the 1, 000 subscribers and the new video, John! Would love to see you do a tutorial video on the UISS software since I have yet to be able to find one. (I have the Pro version of the software but have yet to try to dig into it so that I can use it with the ISS.)


I have the same HT as you and man I wish there was a tutorial on (1) how to get it ready for the quick paced navigation you will need to do in real time in ISS QSO, (2) best messages / text to store to make it easier, and (3) a webpage with screenshots for making UISS and soundmodem work with ISS


bikini state is also a call sign for a military base


I think he might be or was a cop a 10-27 police code means drivers license information. maybe he meant I got your info! (27 I received your information.)


Nice logo John, You must be awesome with image editors!


Can you use UISS to transmit APRS packets as well as receive? I tried setting up UISS with AGWPE and had zero success.


Hi! Nice video. What antenna are you using?


How did you set-up you Kenwood HT for this? Do you have a link? Thanks!


This is amazing! I always wondered what the packet radio was! I have some recordings, do you have the spare time to decode them? They're on my channel if you want


How do i listen to the iss...what frequency ..im useing boafang uv-5r set on 145.800??


How did you connect your antenna to the camera tripod?


Ok, I just stumbled upon this video and correct me if im wrong, but using this, you can contact other "stations", other people somewhere on earth and just chat with them?


Hey John! Are you planning on making a video on BY70-1?
