Mutated Animal Zoo - Zoochosis

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Zoochosis is out and these animals are not cute

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As a zookeeper myself I can confirm that we do not feed human flesh to our animals to prevent them from turning into horrible, mutated horror monsters.


Zoochosis is an animal psychosis, it usually manifests as repeated movements like walking in circles, shaking heads (often seen in elephants and can be misinterpreted as dancing), can also manifest as self harm.


I just wanna point out that nda's are null when theres something illegal going on. Nda's are there for people's ideas and inventions to not be stolen by other people or companies. An nda in this situation is soley there to scare you into thinking the law wont help you even if you know something illegal is going on.


as someone who has never seen this game until watching it now, i was genuinely surprised to find out it was a finished game: the whole game feels like an amazing demo with great potential...just not a full game yet


I don't know if this helps, but animals infected by the parasite are faking syndromes (the 3rd gorilla vomited, but wasn't sick at all). Maybe like this you can spot infected animals early, so you can try saving them.


45:00 now imagine if that reveal didn't come out until a few nights of work, where your character would periodically steal meat packets to feed his family, only to have that shit revealed to him! now that would be even more fuckin horrifying!


During the gorilla enclosure you can tell Thor is infected because he's mimicking the two sick gorillas. There's nothing wrong with Thor's tests, yet he's still "sick."


I'm someone who's dealt with food insecurity, I know from experience how much of a luxury real protein can be, but never in a million years would I have ever been desperate enough to eat ambiguous, unrefrigerated meat that's kept for animals. Maybe the developers wanted to add a disgust factor to the horror, but honestly the fact that the animals you're tending to don't (typically) eat meat is enough of a red flag.

Sure you can argue that the food chain is a suggestion but we all knew going into this that these animals have the motivation to defy it. Paul wasn't alone ten minutes before stealing (with a camera strapped to him) and would've been properly screwed without that next shipment. The tutorial guy wasn't even there long enough to explain what the meat was there for. Even in horror there's a line between 'desperation' and stupidity and Mr. Dad/Husband of the Year crossed it.


This is why you also memorize important family phone numbers.

Also, even if the meat wasn't human, why would you assume that meat that is being used to feed zoo animals is safe for humans to consume?

"Food Grades" exist for a reason.


As someone who works on a ranch
You will pretty much never need to ask “where is the feeding area” the animals will tell you and never let you forget XD


"Should I tell your wife you're staying the night?"

"Nah, she'll figure it out"

Husband of the fucking year lmao


Okay, I delved pretty deep into this game and have some spoiler free tips ;)

- This game has MANY endings. Some are good, and some are bad. If you want a good chuckle, don't sign the waiver despite what Doc says.

- You don't necessarily NEED to use lethal injections. If you are able to determine the ailment of the other animals, you can use the experimental medications.

- If you donate blood, it completely depletes what is in your inventory. You are still able to draw blood from animals after you first draw.

- The infected meal prep is extremely handy. If you use this the mutation will calm down. Gives you enough time to draw blood to create antidote.

- Without spoilers, some characters in this game you are able to interact more with.

- Animals can see when you aim down at them. If you shoot at the 🍑 then they are less likely to run off (doesn't count for mutations)

Hope this helps a little bit. Enjoyed the video Séan :)


The woman can be saved. When she wakes up, a second phone call from Doc is heard. After that point, interacting with the woman instead of the lever will lead you down an alternate path.


I think the reason Jack died is because the MC's infection proceeded too far. It looks like it progresses every time you get attacked by a mutant AND regularly over the course of the story or over time. I suspect Doc hit you with it to force you to develop a treatment or cure, and maybe taking certain actions knocks it back a bit.


This game seems almost completely uninterested in giving the player any help lol. You get like 1/5th of a tutorial at the start and then it's good luck from there


Jack apologizing here 43:25 for not getting right away, meanwhile I'm sitting here watching and I'm completely lost lmao. The idea and game in general is pretty cool but that tutorial did next to nothing to actually teach you anything 😭


the complete lack of pause between voice lines is a bit off putting IMO


If you decide to steal a package of meat that's simply labeled "Meat" and then give it to your wife and daughter to eat, you deserve the repercussions of your actions. IT WAS LITERALLY JUST LABELED "MEAT" WHY WOULD YOU THINK IT'S GOOD TO EAT???


My uncle worked security for the Bronx Zoo; he got to feed the giraffes a few times

The bit where you pet the giraffe and it wrapped a LONG purple tongue around your arm is 100% accurate. Everyone talks about their necks but they have BIG tongues lol.


In this, the year of our Lord 2024, we should be DONE with obnoxiously impatient NPC dialogue where .02 seconds after you gain control of your character they go "Alright I don't have all day" "Let's get a move on now" "While we're young" "What's takin so long?" "Are you coming or what" "Any day now" SHUT UP YOU DAMN NPC I'LL DO IT WHEN I GODDAMN WELL FEEL LIKE IT AND NOT A SECOND SOONER AHHH
