Ford F-150 - Rear end Noise 9.75

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2004 Ford F150, Rear End has a whining howling noise while driving. excessive play (back lash) and we need to find out why. Come join me in this adventure Hope you enjoy!

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My outer pinion bearing grenaded in my 9.75 (18' f150 3.5l eco) and... well it sucked. Towed it to two close shops and they quoted me an entire rear end replacement at $5k and $6k. It was over $4k just in parts! Ultimately, I decided to do it in myself in my driveway like god intended. It did take a while. First weekend: Tear down and order parts. New ring and pinion, new pinion bearings, new seals all around, and picked up a few rental tools from Orilleys. Second weekend: Salvaging pinion shim, cleaning everything, installing seals, and an entire 8 hrs screwing with the crush collar. Third weekend: Crushing the collar and putting it all together again. I ended up recycling the old crush collar by putting it on the old pinion and beating the shit out of it with a 3lb sledge, real methodical like. I made the old collar about 1mm longer, which is only .5mm shorter than the new one. Cleaned it up real nice and it worked like a charm. I still had to borrow the neighbors 3x torque multiplier to crush it back down, but it worked great (12-16 in/lb resistance). Turned out the stock shims worked perfect and backlash ended up at 10 thou - slightly below spec but I figured since everything was FoCo and the marking pattern was awesome, it'll do. No noise, everything is smooth, and I'm around 100 miles since the rebuild - so we will see. Ended up taking about $900 in parts and $400 in tools. Saved around $4k and from what I can tell so far, the problem is solved. I'll be hauling a 1000lb bed load 200 miles tomorrow and I'll report back to give thanks to robinsonauto if all goes well haha.


3:39 if you have to pry the cover off, try to pry from above the oil line, that way if you bend the cover slightly, it'll be far less prone to leak up at the top half.

Great video!!


“Hope I will be able to lift this tonight cause it’s been a long day.” Heard that brother I know that feeling at the end of most days. I am a 35 year old shop owner and ASE technician but feel like I’m a 65 year old man who’s boxed his whole life hahaha


I followed all 3 videos and I got my gears changed out. Very helpful from start to finish.


Thanks for your video, I'm going to have to repair my Z71, 1999, with 500, 000 miles . Never messed with differential, so I'm resurrecting all all I can and I'm sure I can, somebody put it together. With all the good comments your viewers posted added to my bag of tricks of the trade. Thanks BR549, Deer Park Texas....oh my wife highly dose does not like rear end nose as well, manly when it has the smell like burnt differential oil, lol


You are a very good teacher. Not exciting but somehow very captivating. Felt like you’re my big brother showing me how to do something.


It's great to see videos by a guy that knows what he's doing... If you could speed things up, that would make a big improvement.


I liked the giggles from your camerawoman toward the end! The last rear end I worked on was for my 2004 Z71 Suburban. I wish I knew what I did wrong, but the rear burned up driving from Tennessee to North Carolina. I had it towed to my home which is on a hill. The tow truck operator dropped it off in my steep driveway and without the rear end, it immediately rolled down the hill and crashed into a tree (with no one except my poor golden retriever in a crate in the back) . The airbags deployed and the suburban was totalled. The retriever was fine! I love challenges, but I'm not sure I want another challenge this difficult ... the spacers, which I understand are the most important and difficult to get right, were tough.


You teach very well, I definitely appreciate your patience and skills brother 👍


Definitely a worn ring and pinion noise. Didn't look like you drained much oil when you removed the cover. Everything appears dark and burned unless my glasses are dirty...{:>)
You sound like you're tired so take it easy my friend. Don't burn yourself out.


I have a hum in my rear end as well i have just learned to live with it, I like your video i like your work your plain straight and to the point i cant wait for part 2 and if your able to repair this rear end I'm thinking i might tackle mine as well


Looking forward to part two.

Have seen a rear fail because of the "spider gears"? 12:02 The four sprockets that surround the pin broke into three pieces.

The guy was driving on the highway going 55-60 MPH. Axle didn't lock up thank goodness. Was able to tow him to my house with a tow chain. Swapped rear out and he was on his way the next day.


Excellent, very well explained, even a low knowledged amateur can get an understanding, I decided not to do it myself on my toy project. I haven't go the tools and experience, your video has spared me a lot of troubles.


I learn the most by fixing other people’s mistakes


I hope you've expanded the size of your shop by now.. I subscribed. Great video. Cheers!


Get the front shop. You'll start to grow fast enough if treating people right. Or you'll regret it in no time. I've made that mistake. Part of it is *thinking small*. Probably a custom car audio and alarm outfit will grab it and you'll *REALLY* regret it. Drive you bananas


Excellent vid. The engineering, designs, and functions of differentials fascinate me.


Thanks of the video. My 2010 F150 FX4 is making similar noise and been getting worse. It may not be same problem, but I'll jack it up and check for play like you did to get started.


Cost me 3 grand for my rear end and after seeing you do it I think its a job for a guy like done vid and don`t buy the rest of the sshop....more employees less money more trouble...bin there now ROB sent me so I sub and rang your bell


Please start wearing your hearing and eye protection (PPE), and use impact sockets instead of chrome sockets with your impact wrench.  It only takes a moment to do these things; the bonus is you get to go home tonight with your hearing and vision intact.  A pretty good deal when you think about it.
