Peroformance Data -Webfilter

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Im Marco Ortiz for Performance Data. Webfilter firewalls- why do companies need them? Well, its basically a box that sits between your network and your internet, and it has a couple of different uses. First- it protects from viruses, malware, spyware, all web- based threats that can potentially bring a company down. Parental controls allows business owners to control who can access what. Many employees will spend their day clicking on facebook, blogger, twitter, personal email, which is basically unproductive time, paid by company time. So if youre the type of company that allows thess kinds of actions to take place, and its fine, you will still want to be protected from all the viruses that could potentially be coming in through these sites.
The second use that it has it could be used as a network attached storage. This basically means that it can back up all of your work stations in the event that one of these viruses would bring those computers down.
I am Marco Ortiz ,and we have taken IT to the next level.
The second use that it has it could be used as a network attached storage. This basically means that it can back up all of your work stations in the event that one of these viruses would bring those computers down.
I am Marco Ortiz ,and we have taken IT to the next level.