Symptoms of CTE

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I started having concussions at 12 years old playing football. Stopped playing at 26. I played strong side linebacker and middle linebacker. I probably had a mild concussion every week for 14 years. 24 weeks a year x 14 years..300+ concussions. I'm 39, I am very impulsive, struggle to concentrate, get angry easily, have Insomnia, tinnitus and struggle at work. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 year old. I think about suicide every few days. I feel my life has no meaning and I'm barely getting. I'm ready to stop living. If you care about your children don't let them play football. I don't wish my life on my worst enemy. Save your kids.


28 years old with 12 concussions and two really bad TBIs. I can no longer learn new things. My memory has degraded very bad. I’m very confused on a daily basis. I’m having lots of mental health issues. My doc told me I’ll be lucky if I can work until I’m 40. I can’t maintain a normal life or relationship


Not only football player...but women who have been abused and children who have been hit in the head and abused...


I’m just here wating to know more about CTE reading all of your stories I’m so sorry for you all my heart goes out for real !


Gyms need to stop 100% sparring. That’s where a lot of the damage happens. More ego bullshit in the gym than there is in the ring


And as far as all the videos go that I've seen and having this myself they all miss one thing That's the one thing we all feel similar


Thumbs up if you're living in hell with cte right now.


suffered a fall as a toddler resulting in frontal lobe damage. freestyle skier with 3 concussions (pretty lucky) starting to get like uncontrollable rage with little things like bumping into things accidentally or dropping objects etc. I cant calm down unless i hit something or throw shit around. this makes a lot of sense


Concussions have ruined my life. I can't even remember who I used to be.


I've had countless concussions and would just ignore them. I really regret playing football. I've noticed just about all of the symptoms they mentioned and I'm only 22. Wish there was a cure unfortunately my brain is just going to corrode and I'll probably be dead by 40. Live and learn I guess.


I live in the New Orleans area. My husband in 1979 was involved in a horrible wreck. His skull exploded and his brain was out of his skull. He's done remarkably well for Many- Many years. However the last 8 or so years I've seen a huge difference as well as his co-workers. Right now, it's beyond suggestions for doctors in my area?


I think this is what did Antonio Brown in. If you look at that hit that Vontaze Burfict put on him, he didn't start acting erratically till after that.


My movements are really constant and painful. It's like severe Parkinson's now and I'm only 33. Life's absolutely hell without marijuana and melatonin. Without that I'd be up for days manic and tired.


I fell on my head a lot when I was a kid just from playing. I wonder if it was the reason for my highs and lows.


Former Equestrian eventer. This makes so much sense.


My team in high school made kids like me play Kick off, kick return Offense and defense plus punt and fg like just in our high school careers we hit and got hit 100X more than we should have, and I’m willing to bed a lot of teams leading to pros are like that


Yup same with martial arts. Although I just wonder what we consider as subconcussive hits? How people that do fencing even though most people say it's safe?


does anyone discuss CTE due to child abuse?


Okay, in addition to playing football from the 2nd grade all the way to San Jose St Univ., something of which I excelled at and LOVED, does CTE encompass multiple blows to the skull with a blunt object? In my case, an aluminum baseball bat 5 times to the face and right/back side of my skull, 3 of which were delivered when I was face down in the street....


I have all the signs. I was a team athlete but was very athletic and went through alot of direct physical trauma to my spine, neck and brain. I also have had immune system issues most of my life. Been to Mayo clinic but they did nothing to help. Testing that's it. Seen neurology teams since 2006 and they all agree I'm neurological but the treatments have been useless.
