What are the symptoms of CTE?

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What are the symptoms of CTE?
Dr. Robert A. Stern
Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Anatomy & Neurobiology
Director of Clinical Research, BU CTE Center
Boston University School of Medicine

In this video, Dr. Stern explains the various physiological and psychological symptoms of CTE.
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For what its worth folks, ive had a lot of improvement by going low carb, supplementing D3 4000iu, A2000iu, E tocotrienols at 250mg, eating sardines (omega3) magnesium theronate 125mg and mag citrate 250mg and 3-5 mg of melatonin. Depression and anxiety much better. Anger down 50% and anger fuse is longer. Others have noticed the improvement. Hope that helps you.


This is scary i am 26 i fractured my skull as a baby and then I played football 5 grade to 12 grade in high school i was a head hitter i would use my head a lot . Now I'm having mood changes and weird behaviour .


As an athlete in my youth with dozens of concussions and 2 time TBI survivor--> I live with this.


I grew up very rough, my parents always fighting, at a very young age, around 4 or 5, I started banging my head into the concrete floor, or walls, busting things on my heaf, to the point where tho happened every week for 10 yeas on, my only way to cope was bashing in my head on something hard, even hit a blood vessel in my forehead once that would not stop bleeding, I'm older now, stopped all that, but have the very early signs of cte, anger, depression, lack of control, or I'm just weird and I was never like thiz, it was a slow progression, but I know I used to bang my head alot, . I hate My life. It probaly didn't help I played youth tackle football all thoze year's


I had a friend get diagnosed with this. He played contact football from the age of 7-19 and had multiple concussions. He basically lost his self control. But he also told me he didn't want to do some of the bad things he did, but he couldn't stop either. It's a hideous disease.


Played high school football 10-12th grade. Defensive end and tight end. Constant hard hits. I’ve wondered for years if I have this. Depression and anxiety and profound despair a lot.


So important...I've been riding BMX for 30 years, several blackout concussions and hundreds of hard Street landings, its a super fun sport, BUT hidden consequences....e.g...Dave Mirra, Colin Winkleman ...RIP...when we land hard from height I believe it will cause the same brain damage, even if you don't blackout and feel OK in the short term. I suffer with depression, anxiety, rage fits and apathy... now I think I know why GF.


For some reason I really enjoyed your voice and demeanor. I was diagnosed with Pugalistica Dementia 3.5 years after my first trip to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me. Im 40 now, and lost my marriage after 13 years. She truly deserves to find real happiness ! I never touched her out of anger, but the emotional rollercoaster destroyed everything. Sometimes my whole body cant stop shaking. My ex wife and i kinda chuckle as its like im purring like a cat while completely mentally relazex lol

I wish i was not on medicaid, because i need better help / care. Id love it if you could be my doctor. Maybe i could even get my wife back :)

Anyway, thank you for your video sir :) Love You & God Bless :)


not letting my kids play football.

I have depression, hopelessness, anxiety, short fuse, impulse control, aggression, and memory problems.

I am a multi millionaire, have a family that loves me, tons of friends and I could not be any less happy!!

Haven’t had head trauma for over 20 years and it’s getting worse..


I think I might have cte writing this is hard for me to do and sounds crazy but I want someone to listen. I mean I had to re write this comment 4 times just to be coherent enough to understand. It’s getting harder and harder everyday just trying to remember the littlest things. Playing football and always leading with my head gave me some of the worst feelings ever. And my dad wanting me to play was giving me a sense of pride and him actually spending time with me just in car rides to practices was a good feeling instead of staying out in a garage because he never gave me attention. And now I’m showing symptoms they think it’s me stressing out about COVID and not seeing my friends as often. But I don’t know if it’s psychosis or me smoking heavy at when I was in 7th and 8th grade. I don’t feel anything anymore just a confused and angst. The worst part about it seeing the hopelessness in my mom and family about what’s going on to me. I feel so alone


He puts it very well. Lots of insight.


Dealing with this in my life really sucks.


CTE affects the stomach function so pain the that area can be a sign. also headaches


I’m only 20 years old and I’ve gotten about six or seven concussions. When I was young my dad would force me on the field and even when I got hit in the head and didn’t feel all right I had to stay out on the field I forced myself too. Not knowing that I would get a concussion again and I started having all these problems a few years ago I’ve seen a neurologist all of these issues you are talking about I have. I have tremors I have severe anxiety I have severe depression and I can’t even do anything in life without a part of myself telling me I can’t do that. I have all these problems in this video. and right now I’m in shambles like I am so scared


I was in a bad car accident flipped came out with some bruises around my body and a scrape/cut on my left temple I believe I hit my head hard. I had bad headaches and fatigue two days after. They said I have developed scar tissue. And my friends n family say I’m impulsive all of a sudden and I forget little tasks on a daily basis and mood changes.


My brother constantly bashed my head in everytime we got in a fight and im fairly certain its the reason why I started experiencing social anxiety and the feeling of apathy, I have no idea what to do since my parents brush it off..


I’m almost 100% sure I suffer from this disease.. I was in a bad car accident summer 2020 and had 8 fractures to my skull, orbital, and sinus plus a severe concussion.. The short term memory loss, mood swings, impulsiveness, disorganization.. Everything really, it’s scary because I’m only 26.. I almost don’t want to get old.


I've had several concussions from football and live with a lot of this daily


my mood and behavior I've noticed my rage is getting out of hand, the lack of care, can hitting your head on your own hard over and over as a child also cauze cte


Ex Military but last year had a major head blow in the night loosing enough blood to cover the bedroom floor like a murder scene. This caused Post Concussion Syndrome but after 13 months it has degenerated and I have Stage 3 CTE by definition. After last March I was in July a victim of a weapon attack by a Psychotic ex Israeli Army man for talking bad of my mother and me defending her honour

I am just 35.
