How a culture you never heard of influenced the Indo Aryan Migrations and the entirety of history

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When we talk about the Indo Iranians and the Indo Aryan migration into India, we often think of it as a single migration event, but we forget some very important details about it, like how a lost central Asian civilization influenced and shaped their culture. Let’s rewind back. Around 4000 BCE, the Indo Europeans emerged in the Pontic-Caspian steppes. These people were ancestral to every Indo European group today, and their culture heavily revolved around horses. They spoke a Language called Proto-Indo-European. Words for mother, father, brother, sister, horse, and fire, in every other Indo European language, were descended from the Proto-Indo-European term for those words. Around 3000 BCE or so, a branch of the Proto Indo Europeans migrated west and formed the Corded ware culture over many centuries, the ancestral group of most of Europe today. One of these sub groups, was the Fatyanovo-Balanovo culture. Over the next thousand years, they migrated farther south, changing and mutating their language on the way. By 2100 BCE, they established and formed the Sintashta culture. The language of the Sintashta was a daughter language of Proto Indo European; Proto Indo Iranian. The linguistic change occurred over many millenia. The language went through a change called the Ruki change. This rule states that the S sound becomes the Sh sound, and the K sound becomes the S sound after the consonants R, U/W, K, and I/Y. Take the work for a hundred in Proto Indo European for example: Kmtom. In Proto Indo Iranian, this became Catam, or Satam.
The Proto Indo European word for Horse, *Ekwos became *Hacwah in Proto Indo Iranian.
Similarly, *Gonu became *Jaanu, *Ghwormos became *Gharmas, *Oktow became *Hashta, and *Hngnwis became *Hagni. By the time the Sintashta culture was established, these changes had taken place. The Sintashta were none other than the Proto Indo Iranians. They were the first people to invent and use the Chariot, called *Hrathas in Proto Indo Iranian. This was a major advantage to them travel and warfare wise. Not too many centuries later, the Sintashta was followed by the Andronovo culture in Central Asia. From there, they went two paths. One to the Iranian plateau, and one to the Indian Subcontinent. But wait, there’s something we are missing here. In this area, near the Syr and Amu Darya rivers, the Indo Iranians seem to have adopted many things from local cultures such as the very culturally important Soma drink, various loanwords, and even deities. This area was a missing link in our story. This area was the home of the Oxus Civilization. You’ve probably never heard of it, and I don’t blame you. This civilization had built great fortified cities like the one at Gonur Tepe, And were a highly advanced civilization comparable to the Harappans and Mesopotamians. Yet, we don’t hear about it much today. But, this ancient culture had a huge impact on Indo-Iranian culture.
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Fun fact: the word naan, yes, that same naan you had for dinner yesterday, could very likely be derived from the BMAC loan word *Nagna, meaning yeast. The Sanskrit equivalent is nagnahu, as naan was Persian, and reintroduced to India during Islamic conquests. So the next time you have a naan dish, thank the ancient farmers of the Oxus!


It is SO PLEASING to find an accurate description of the transition from Sintashta through Andronovo through BMAC to the Mitanni, the Indo-Aryans of South Asia and the Iranians. I have been gathering materials for a presentation on this, and here it is! Ready-made and sound in every respect. Thank you so much!
More please!


Fantastic job at compiling lots of scattered information... Yet, just know that these are the best theories we currently have and should not be cast in stone as absolute truth... But they help us better understand people's origins, languages, and migrations much better... Keep up the good work!


The best video on Indo Aryan topic with no propagandas

Subscribed ❤


This is the best documentary on the Aryan Immigration topic. Very concise and clear. Helps to visualize how the language and cultures spread around 4500 to 3500 years ago from a particular area where first-time horses were domesticated and put to use. Rig Vedha talks about the opposite faction living in forts. I thought they were referring to the IVC people but in fact, it is the Oxus culture. Everything that Rig Vedha refers is to that culture.


Wow just wow absolutely loved this video, i can say this is one of the best video you've created so far .
Till now i used to think that mittanis were the ancestors of the indo Iranians and indo Aryans and i also used to think that oxus (BMAC ) was the remnants of the elamites but this new revelation gives me a whole new perspective .
Once again thanks for doing this research on our behalf and providing us with quality content, keep up the good work 👍


I immediately subscribed!! I'm glad the youtube algorithm recommended this video :)


The Indo 🇮🇳 Iranian 🇮🇷 peoples are Aryans statues from Ancient Persia Sumerian have Blue Eyes 🔵🔵


Soma goes back to Poto-Indo-European. It meant ‘body’. Considering the myth of how soma was created, that makes sense. Fire, in comparative Indo-European mythology is ever present. The parallels between Agni and Hermes are staggering and compelling, and fire is what provides explanatory value for those parallels.


I’m going to leave this comment here before the Hindu nationalists come here and make preposterous claims 🤣


I'm a pashtun and a descendant of the Scythians 🐎 🏹
In pashto the word for :
Mother is (mor)
Father is (plar)
Brother is (vror)
Sister is (khor)
Horse is (aas)


Wow beautiful video without any background music just knowledge, good compilation of information


You're so underrated it's sad 😢


Well explained!

Average people when talk about Indo Aryan invasion or migration, people always generalize them as Proto-Indo-Europeans coming from Russia. Also emphasizing that the language and culture of modern North India is foreign.

But if anything, Vedic civilization itself was a mix of Indo Aryan, Indus Valley and other native people of Indian subcontinent.

Sure Pre-Vedic people may be from somewhere in Central Asia, but Vedic people's homeland was without a doubt Indian subcontinent.

And those so called Proto Indo Iranians wouldn't have recognized people living in Pontic steppes in 2000 BCE or so.

People just forget the difference of more than a millenia (3000 BCE - 1500 BCE) between the birth of PIE and the birth of Vedic India.

And PIE itself would have been an formed by mixing of people which we don't know about.

In short, Vedic civilization is Indian and the soul of India. Its a mix of Indo Aryans, Indus Valley and other native population of Indian subcontinent. It's no way foreign!


This is truly astounding especially in the way you presented and narrated it all along in an interesting way. Keep up the good work and keep digging 😊


As a European descendent is so interesting it's just totally fascinating and this subject is new to me. We are not even allowed to say the word Aryan over here and yet ancestor worship used to be one of our things. Today we're not even allowed to know about where we came from. It seems so the Internet has been this fascinating blossoming of understanding for everyone.

Thank you so much you illustrate in stories and with the maps we can see the path and it's well spoken.


Thanks for clearing my doubts
Keep it up


Well made video, from an Indian history buff.


*_Aryanam Khvarano Yazamaide Airyanam Vaejah_*

Airyanam Vaejah ♥️ Āryāvarta


Routledge has a whole book about BMAC, very informative
