This Young Woman Is Thriving After A Social Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis | TODAY

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“My anxiety does not define who I am,” said Michaela Rollins, 19, who has struggled with anxiety since third grade. Today, she is in college and manages her anxiety with therapy and medication.

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How This Young Woman Is Thriving After Being Diagnosed With Social Anxiety Disorder | TODAY
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It's not the fear of people, it's the *uncontrollable* shaking, sweaty hands, increased heart rate and shortness of breath that we don't like.


It’s sad how it took so long to even know what social anxiety was because I just thought I was shy and it got so much worse overtime


I wish social anxiety disorder was understood a long time ago. My silence caused people to judge me as defiant, mean, and lazy when I was actually really kind, thoughtful, and sensitive. Teachers and classmates would torture me with public humiliation all throughout school. I'm glad I understand now, but I'm still trying to heal from those scars.


It’s is not easy. I have been struggling all my life. That is The main reason I did not go to college. Most people they don’t understand.


At least she got help, around here people with social anxiety are doomed, suffering in the dark


She is so lucky to have that kind of family. My family is not like that. I feel bad cause I do have social anxiety, for as long as I can remember, but I don't fit in that category of being creative, or smart. It seems majority of people with SAD possess these qualities, I just feel i have none qualities except my SAD.


I have social anxiety too and after graduating I got a job a google. I usually had such low confidence, I thought everybody judged me, that maybe I don’t do my work good enough, but at the end, I got a job somewhere where it’s very difficult to enter. I am proud of myself, especially overcoming such obstacles as interviews with socials anxiety. So never give up, u may think you are nit good enough, but you are!


It's great that parents can see something is wrong with children and get them treatment as soon as possible. Many parents don't see it and the kids grow up to adults with social anxiety and depression.


She's lucky that she's had a supportive family. It definitely is easier to cope with and overcome stuff like this when you have a supportive foundation. I'm happy for her and wish I would've had the same.


My social anxiety is really bad I want help I want to be able to go to college, be able to go places, be able to order food ect. on my own, Be able to walk places, be able to go to family parties & holidays, be able to work, be able to be happy, be able to finally just be me but it’s so hard the only way is by obviously reaching out and that involves human interaction i just can’t it’s hard I just feel like I’m stuck forever & there’s no way out And I’m barely 21 /;


I cried when the mom said "my heart hurt for her, I wanted her to be able to enjoy life, for the world to see who she was"...
I realized I have severe social anxiety when I was 28, I don't think anyone ever saw who I really am...


Imagine how different things could have been if everyone had such a loving and accepting mother.


She is lucky enough to get it diagnosed early. Many people out there, including me, are suffering from this unbearable problem, but they have nobody to share it with. I know how difficult it is for a child going through such a issue that most people don't even recognize. She has overcome it because she has a mom, in my case it didn’t happen; I lost her so early that I can't even recall her. I don't know how she developed her social anxiety, in my case it was due to a single event that was made happen in 2011. That event destroyed my strength and self-esteem, smashed my dream, making believe that I am good at nothing and inferior to everyone. Now I am 22 and study at the most reputed university of our country. Every time I go to class, I decide to quit but I can't. People think that I am ok and have a bright future, but don't know that another war is being fought inside me.


Social anxiety disorder is so difficult to deal with. I was diagnosed with it in middle school, because my mom saw a pamphlet about it at her doctors office. She read it and realized that it was all the things I was struggling with. It kind of put the puzzle pieces together about my behavior at the time. I saw therapists and psychiatrists. I was put on medication. Having social anxiety is debilitating. Putting the effort to challenge yourself and do the work needed to alleviate symptoms is even more difficult. But when you do those things, and you prove to yourself that you can do something that scares you… it makes you feel so good. Usually it’s something so insignificant to people who don’t have this disorder. So this girl should be so proud of herself.
I also want to say that it’s very hard for people who don’t have S.A.D to understand how someone with it feels. I think that’s totally understandable. Because I have never understood how others without it can be the way they are. Even people who are close to those with it, don’t understand. In my opinion, I don’t think it can be fixed or cured. There’s just medication and therapy and challenging yourself to do those uncomfortable things that helps alleviate the symptoms of it. It will always be there, in some aspect of your life. But it doesn’t have to have such a grip on your daily life. We can learn to cope and live fearlessly.


My anxiety defines me. Most of the things i do/the way i am it due to the social anxiety


I wasn't diagnosed until my late 20's, and seeking help was the most life changing decision. The way they explain social anxiety as a child and teen is spot on.


For everyone struggling with social anxiety and depressions. It is going to get better.. trust me.
Seek help, face your fears, set goals, change your mindset, question your thoughts, accept yourself the way you are, realise that the opinion of others dont matter and done define you, try to see the positive side in everything, etc.
There are many things you will have to approach and learn. Dont expect a wonder, take it easy and go step by step. If you fall, believe in yourself that you will get back up and come out stronger.
It is a hard and long journey.. but the effort is totally worth it!
Its been nearly two decades for me (turning 29 soon) and social anxiety still gives me many struggles but they are much easier to handle now.
Looking back and realising how far i have come and what i have achieved gives me such a big smile on my face. 😁
You are not alone. You are beautiful the way you are. You can do it! 💕


I am so happy for her about attending college and wanting to become a child therapist! She is truly a beautiful young woman!


I hope she overcomes the anxiety and everything else keeping her down🙏 stay strong and may you start a loving new life free and healed ⚘


Life is so hard when you experience something that is not experienced by others around you. You can not communicate about it to others because often the other person listening to you might just say you have to push yourself, put yourself in situations that you fear to be in but people don't understand that its the hardest part. How to gather the courage
