WhatsApp Text Formatting Tricks | New WhatsApp Feature | Cheemsdoge Tech

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WhatsApp Text Formatting Tricks | New WhatsApp Feature | Cheemsdoge Tech #whatsapptextformatting #whatsapptricks #whatsappnewupdate #bulletedlist #numberedlist #blockquote #whatsapphacks #inlinecode #bold #italic #strikethrough #monospace #trending #tricks #techvideos #newtricks
Long WhatsApp messages often go unread, partially understood, or ignored. If you’re using WhatsApp at work, you should properly format messages to capture people’s attention.
With these new additions, WhatsApp now offers 7 ways to format text in all. While some of these formatting options are quite obvious and can be accessed by simply selecting the text you wish to stylise, others are not.WhatsApp users can now use bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code to highlight and organize their messages, making it easier to break down large sections of text into something easier to read.You can highlight text with bold and italics. The messaging platform allows you to strikethrough or use monospace fonts and ensure proper WhatsApp text formatting.Watch this video guide to know how to use these formatting options.
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Long WhatsApp messages often go unread, partially understood, or ignored. If you’re using WhatsApp at work, you should properly format messages to capture people’s attention.
With these new additions, WhatsApp now offers 7 ways to format text in all. While some of these formatting options are quite obvious and can be accessed by simply selecting the text you wish to stylise, others are not.WhatsApp users can now use bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code to highlight and organize their messages, making it easier to break down large sections of text into something easier to read.You can highlight text with bold and italics. The messaging platform allows you to strikethrough or use monospace fonts and ensure proper WhatsApp text formatting.Watch this video guide to know how to use these formatting options.
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