Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS5) - Guardian Ape Near Flawless Vitality Kill (Parry Focus) | LVL1 AP

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I REALLY ENJOYED this fight! One of the best designed FromSoftware bosses I’ve experienced to date (Platinumed ER and BB).

I did my best to match his speed and aggression, and challenged myself to fight him “straight up” in Phase One with minimal prosthetic usage in Phase Two (used the Umbrella to shield against the Terror attack a few times while up close). I did use Divine Confetti twice to increase my attack power, bc as you can see, I’m doing minimal dmg without it, which really helped me learn the fight + maximize counter opportunities.

I got hit once in Phase 2, misjudging the distance of an overhead sword attack, but otherwise, a clean fight. The video is long bc I went for vitality kills in both phases with no cheeses or Mortal Blade spamming - I just don’t believe in playing that way.

0:00 Phase One (Aggressive Parry Focus, No Damage)
5:55 Phase Two (Parry Focus/Magnet Umbrella/Divine Confetti, One Hit)
17:29 Shinobi Execution
18:20 Stats (Vit/Posture = 14, Attack Power =1)

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