DIY Pulk Hardware

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Fin "Skeg" idea for a pulk
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My stomping grounds as well. I just got back from another trip with it and I have no complaints. I keep trying to come up with another improvement but not sure I can at this point. So its working great! It tracks even on steep slopes and I don't have issues pulling it over stuff when bushwhacking through the snow. I am currently working on an idea to build a Pulk Kit where someone would just need the Sled.
Depending what ya want ide have no problem giving you advice or helping a bit.


You can go 6-8 inches above the sled without issue, I rarely have mine packed below the walls. You can check mine out in person soon to get a better idea if ya like.

Ill work on ballpark cost but I have to make a couple no matter what so.. Its the Aluminum that ends up costing. The hardware on the poles can add up as well. I need to know what features you would want. You can get away without the cover and just use a large duffle instead. I just like the built on cover myself.


Great here is my feature list in the order of precedence.
1. The SKAG ( Since you are aware that most of our trails are not very wide and rollover is a real issue.)
2. Collapsible poles ( Poles which will break down will be nice, since I am space constrained in my apartment) also I think I will go with a short length pole and not the full six feet)


I came cross your video on BPL and looks like you got a great sled here, I'm trying to build one myself using Jet jr and the sled will be used mainly in Mt.Hood and PNW winter camping. I would like to know how is the sled working for you so far and also will be very happy to learn some tips from you. I have no extensive garage to build the sled, and have to build it in my apartment. So far I have ordered a Jet Jr and haven't decided on other components.


Its a waterproof material, not sure I would put it in the wash/drier if thats what you mean. A simple hose off or sponge would clean it enough. I have not had any roll over issues yet really. skeg keeps it from sliding down the hill sideways if on slopes.

I think we should meetup soon and have you see it in person.


3. Ball joint based hook, strap belt and other non essential features.
Regarding the cover, I may order one, but fixing it to the sled may make it difficult to wash it?


Do you have the Pulk Kit now? :-) like I said I have already put an order for a Jet Jr Sled and still looking for the other components, I am ready to be your first customer and possibly popularize it among my camping partners. We have an camping trip coming up on 15th Jan and would like to have my pulk ready by then. I'm all for a reasonably priced kit.
PS: Great to know you camp in the same location as I do. Cheers!


Just curious, where did you get the components for the adjustable skeg?  and the decking up front?  Any more info would be great!  If you can get them and ship, I'll PayPal ya!


Okay thanks. if possible provide me a ballpark $ number. I was day hiking in Barlow pass yesterday and went off trail towards bird butte and it was heaven with all that untouched fresh powder. Can't wait for my 15th Jan trip. BTW does the cover has enough elasticity if the contents of the Sled grows beyond its walls and not completely flush like in videos.


Take a look at my website at Landofrath. com for more details on my pulk.
Its under Gear/DIY
I can get you a kit in the next week or so, I don't know the cost cause I need to see how much the materials will cost me now.. been over a year.
I have a trip on Jan 18th:) Just got back from an exploring trip to Clear lake Campground from Skyline sno-park. Lots of snow up there!

If you like my design you should order the Jetsled Jr cover as well.
