Car Detailing Products at HARBOR FREIGHT! - Everything you need FULL GUIDE

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Harbor Freight has been expanding the car wash and detailing section over the past few years. From new budget friendly polishers to professional grade polishes and compounds, they seem to be focusing in on the items people want for the vehicle care. Ive done quite a few product highlights for when they release something new, but I wanted to create one video that was a full guide to everything you can use as a car detailer from your local Harbor Freight... ENJOY!!!


**These may be affiliate links to the products. We make a small commission on anything purchased from our links.

0:00 - Car Detailing Products at Harbor Freight
0:30 - Detailing Chemicals
0:43 - Car Wash Soaps
1:22 - NORDvpn Sponsor
2:41 - Wheel Cleaners
4:01 - Clay Kit
4:36 - Car Wash Accessories
5:19 - Microfiber Towels
5:55 - Foam Cannon
6:20 - Pressure Washers
8:15 - Pressure Washer Accessories
9:55 - Drying Towels
10:18 - Blowers
10:49 - Polishers
12:05 - Compounds, Polishes, and Waxes
13:55 - Vacuums
15:13 - Steam Cleaners
15:57 - Air Compressors
16:27 - Detailing Accessories
17:00 - Generators
17:55 - Lighting

#cardetailing #harborfreight #products #carwash

Due to factors beyond my control, I cannot guarantee against improper use of the information I share in my videos. (IMJOSHV) assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not (IMJOSHV) or any business affiliated to (IMJOSHV).
Рекомендации по теме

The past 2 years I have spent thousands of dollars on tools from Harbor Freight! In just the past 2 weeks, I bought their car detailing products!! Crazy timing of you doing this video 😃.


Of all the car detailer channels I've watched, yours is the most helpful for the novice DIY'r. I've purchased car wash items based off your recommendations and they work for my level of skill. Thanks for that!


i had the 2000 psi PW. bought it for cleaning at my camper, and had no complaints about it. wasnt very loud, and was plenty of power for washing my camper. the ppl that bought our camper said they wanted it, and selling was tough with current interest rates, so i let them have it lol.
i have the short throw DA, just for waxing, and it works well. compounding and polishing duties are handled by my ancient milwaukee corded old school. i started detailing in 95.
remember with compressors, that you really want a belt drive, if you can swing the extra cost, as they are quieter, and longer lasting, not to mention that you can replace any components that die!
great video! wish it was longer! ive been toying with the idea of one of these HF challenge videos, but getting the cheap rotary polisher, and sprucing up a totally roached paint job. also please give you thoughts on the cyclone separator? thx!


I don’t detail cars or wash my own car. But Josh makes me want to buy everything and start .


Awesome as usual, Josh. Great you do these videos. Thanks for being different than the majority of YouTube folks. Anyone can show the most expensive items on the market. By far the best.


I bought a stubby spray gun from Harbor Freight, 10/10 would recommend


Thank you for your time making this video; those who shop at HF will find this informative....I'm just not one of them. Keep up the great content coming.


I work at an auto parts tried 23 different wheel cleaners. The meguiars ultimate all wheel has tested by far the best for non agitation cleaning so far.


Great timing. Parking lot sale is today.


I'm a big fan of the edgeless microfiber towels at HF. Also love that they carry Meguiar's products.


Something i like to get at HF is the gloves the 9mil work really good


I use the hyper wash for the exterior, wheels and tires also, 1 oz in a 32 oz spray bottle with water for that application, hyper wash has a 400:1 dilution ratio so it can last you dozens and dozens of washes, only like $30 for the gallon.


I have a bunch of those gray foam floor tiles in my garage (woodworking hobby). Some got damaged and replaced, but I keep them around. Awesome for padding things in your car, OR I use them a lot if I need to lay in the driveway working on the car, or when I swap out, y winter wheels I lay the wheels face down on them to wash the inside. Can’t hurt em… it’s ok if dirt gets in them, much better than cardboard if you need to lay stuff out to clean them. I know it’s not typical detailing stuff, but I use them working on the car a lot.


I have to chime in on the blowers/shop sweepers they are clutch with drying modern car grills, mirrors, and headlights. You can do just fine with a shop sweeper but most of these kits do not include a battery which will increase the cost to around $130.00 depending on the capacity you select.

Lastly the harbor freight pressure washer hose and gun upgrade are worth picking up, but be advised that you may have to ask staff to check in the back since they're still new and may not have them on the store shelves yet.


Always love your budget minded videos! Don’t forget, nitrile gloves are 50% off this weekend too


Great video Josh. I love Harbor Freight. It's like a toy store for older dudes. I have a bunch of their products that you talked about and have been happy with all of them. I'll have to pick up that paint-inspecting light now.


I bought my 1st polisher (Chicago Electric)from them years ago. Its stillnrunning like a champ. Those 16x16 microfiber towels are fantastic. 👍


Great content as always Josh. Your earlier review on the stubby gun was spot on as it’s been working great for me. Thanks again.


Harbor Freight has really come long way. Everything is priced right and it's decent quality.


Thanks 😊 I purchased the swivel gun and the 25 ft pressure washer hose based on your reviews. Very pleased with both products 😊. You really explain the pros and cons accurately and fairlly. Your channel is my go to for honest accurate information!
