NEW AT HARBOR FREIGHT! New Budget Friendly Steam Cleaner - FULL REVIEW

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Harbor Freight just released a new handheld steam cleaner under the Grant's brand. At $34.99 this little steamer is very cheap but how does it actually perform? Is it good for car detailing, for around the house or both? In today's video we jump in and test this little unit to see how effective it actually is. From unboxing this steam cleaner, to testing how long the steam actually lasts for such a small unit, and finally how effective it is at cleaning. This is a longer video so I time stamped everything so you can jump ahead if needed... ENJOY!!!


0:00 - New Harbor Freight Steam Cleaner
1:13 - Unboxing
1:40 - Featured & Accessories
5:17 - Prepping for use
6:28 - How long does it take to produce steam?
7:28 - How long does the steam last?
12:09 - Car Interior Cleaning
12:48 - Window Cleaning
14:28 - Cleaning Wood Floors
18:40 - Cleaning a BBQ
20:56 - Cutting through Grease
22:08 - Final Thoughts

#harborfreight #steamcleaner #cardetailing #Grantshandheldsteamer

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grabbed it for $20 for the 2024 parking lot sale. useful for the kitchen granite, stove, and even areas of the floor that get oil splash. hopeful it helps in the bathroom as well


I appreciate the 8mins hold, doesn't get more empirical than that.. Great job explaining the little features and possible applications. Thank you!


Great tool, used it to take the tint off my car windows. It did exactly as it was suppose to. Only problem I had was it ran out of steam real quick. By the time I finished one window it was out of water!!! But it works.


I've been using one since around the same time this video came out (just now finding the video) and it has become an integral part of my detail process. As an Uber driver who is also a detailer, it has helped me clean up plenty of messes left behind by drunk Bama students. Several instances of chewing gum stuck on my floormats, then stepped in the rest of the night...the next day, this little steamer got it right out in seconds...I cant imagine cleaning a car without it anymore.


I got one today for $20 on sale. I plan to use it for small tasks around the house and my car occasionally. You cannot beat that deal.


I picked one up the other day, and have used it twice around the house just to test it out. I’m 100% satisfied with it at its price point. I have HF’s 1500W steam cleaner as well, but for quick small jobs I’d rather set this up over the bigger unit. Of coarse today I could have gotten 15% off, but it’s whatever. I’ll need something else tomorrow I’m sure :). Thanks for the review, Josh!


Most thorough review I've come across, thank you for showing uses of the different attachments. My husband just got me one from the parking lot sale and I'm excited to use it!


Hi, I appreciate your review of the steamer. For my gas grill, I typically just use a clean new pump spray bottle with plain tap water, on mist setting while the grill is warm and a typical grill brush. Almost everything comes clean and drips down to the bottom. I've had good luck using this method on a grill with porcelain coated grates and cast iron ones on my current grill.


such a cool little unit. I can see that coming in handy for light to medium jobs or more so specific areas, where you just need some cup holders or areas on door panels touched up with some steam and you don't need to bring out the big steamer for a real quick task. I have an aqua pro steamer and for some jobs I don't need to get the whole thing going just for some stubborn areas, so this is a total win, especially at $35.


Would love to see a temp test with the short nozzle vs the hose to see how much heat is lost between the two.


i really appreciate how you use all the attachments and the cheaper products to get the job done.


This is an awesome little steamer for in the house and in the car especially around the cup holders to break up spilled coffee drips that have hardened over time and in the back seat from the kids stuck on candy stains


After playing with the Grant & realizing the huge benefit & possibilities with the a steamer, I pulled the trigger on the Wagner...
Now if my head could stop spinning over the unlimited possibilities with a all around wet/dry shop vac....
Too many options!!!!😬


I bought one this morning before I watched your video. I would agree with you, it was a great buy and mage cleaning fun. Had I seen your review first I would have bought 2 of them.


Just got one yesterday used it on floor mat worked bad ass!


It cleans the grout in my kitchen pretty nicely


You know HF has some great products and this looks like one. As of today 1/12/24 they have three coupons out with no exclusions, this price range gets 15% off = $29.75 + Tax. I will get one.


I bought this exact steam cleaner at Walmart a couple years ago. Same accessory set, funnels, instructions, etc. The only difference is that the one I bought isn't branded. Solid red body, but I think the box was branded "auto drive" or whatever Walmart's store brand car accessories are called.


Yes please do a couple more like bissell and others


As a DIYer my first thought was my engine bay, nice unit, thanks Josh 👍😁
