What is the Best LMG in XDefiant? | (Full Stat Comparison)

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While XDefiant does a solid job of displaying many of the weapon stats in-game, they don't show everything and it can be hard to directly compare guns so today, I wanted to share a full breakdown and comparison of all of the LMGs in the game (without attachments). What's your go to LMG so far in XDefiant?

0:00 Intro
0:18 Range & TTK Comparison
1:00 Headshot TTK Comparison
2:01 Best LMGs Against Phantoms? (120HP)
2:40 Recoil Comparison
3:40 Handling & Reload Comparison
5:32 Movement Speed Comparison
6:22 Final Thoughts & Wrap Up
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Looks like I had some big rendering issues with my "Best Guns to Use Against Phantoms" video so here's a different one instead and I'll get that one fixed for a future date.


Love to see your hustle and grind and expanding beyond CoD Ace. You're a gem in the CoD community as you will be in the xdefiant community.


I personally think that the m60 is one of the best weapons in the entire game if u put right attachments on it


M60, set it up for aimwalking speed and ads speed and put the rapid fire barrel on with a barrel extender


Coming from tac shooters, where a 30 round mag is enough to down 5 enemies or more, it feels nice to have a 100 round mag and not be forced to reload after every other engagement.


From my perspective/experience, vertical recoil is easier to control than horizontal, so despite the overall smaller magnitude of recoil on the RPK, the fact that the others don't immediately start veering off to the side makes them easier to handle for me. And so, that being said, M60 all day.

I will say, for the types of players who don't want to bother with all the movement shenanigans in the game and just want to run around and shoot stuff, the LMGs are naturally very well suited to that playstyle. You definitely want to try to already be ADS'd in preparation for your gunfights with these.


Consistent damage over range makes the RPK perfect for silencer builds. Iron sights are good so you can spec for accuracy with some ADS walking speed and you’re golden. Had some crazy games with this build

I use the m60 as a counter sniper due to accuracy and stopping power


M249 also got fast mags, turning it in AR/LMG hybrid, just like Bruen in MW2019


My 1st gold lmg was the m249 strafe build .
Reflex sight
Leather wrapped grip
Lightweight stock


i wish you dropped some attachment videos for xdefiant. Is there any classes you’ve already tried that is good?


Who hits headshots with slow firing lmgs when there's still abuse of the bunny rabbits hopping around 😂😂


The M60 just feels so good. It's my favorite gun in the game currently.


I've been waiting for this one. Been liking the RPK over the default LMG and the ARs. Time to see if its placebo or not lol


I believe the m60 with heavy barrel also decreases the number of headshots for a 3 shot kill to 2 headshots and 1 body shot


M249 SAW, this has been the only weapon i have been using since the start of the game, as it is featured in one of the default classes, the only one i have been using xD


I got the m60 gold, and it’s my favorite gun to use in the game! Just too fun to chain kills together. M1911 run in when I run outta ammo instead of reloading for 8 sec 😂


Hey ace would you pls make a comparison about rapidfire barrel vs heavybarrel and compare the ttk which is the better option thanks ❤


I think the LMGs are all in a very good place in the metagame at doing exactly what an LMG should do
They’re niche picks, unideal for a lot of situations but if there’s an area that you really need to lock down or an area teammates need to be but can’t reach because of the crossfire, pretty much any of them should do the trick nicely
Even the M60, a weapon infamous for being terrible in pretty much any video game it features in, is actually quite cromulent and has a very valid, albeit uncommon usecase in the meta.
Which is really refreshing to say, I mean honestly, how many times have you ever seen a game that has such stable yet diverse weapon balance in your life? There’s a couple edge cases for unbalanced weapons, the MRs are ridiculously strong, the shotguns are ridiculously weak, pistols aren’t even worth thinking about, spiderbots are incredibly annoying and buggy, but as a whole, XDefiant honestly seems to have launched with a genuinely good metagame out of the box.


Rpk has to be the most forgoten weapon in this game


Been using the m60 since the game came out. I got it kitted for accuracy with the 4x scope. Fucking laser if your aim is good
