Psycho Ex Keeps Trying To Make Me Pay For Her Affair Child But Refuses A DNA Test

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Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's ex of 15 years keeps trying to get him to support her daughter, whom she claims is OP's, but refuses to grant a DNA test, OP finally has a chance to prove he's not the father.

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14:31 Final Update
16:27 Mood Booster

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"she refused the breakup"...

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that I needed your permission/consent to end a relationship 🙄.


Jeez, Natalie absolutely doesn’t care about how her actions are affecting her daughter. She’s terrible, just an abhorrent person.


I have to wonder if the mom who got upset about OP calling Emma his "naughter" was the mom who gave Natalie the field trip information.


The fact that Natalie can’t do math AND that she would not consent to a paternity tests says that, either, 1) she knew the father was a deadbeat and thought she could trick the OP into stepping up or 2) she didn’t know who the father was but didn’t want to tell OP that and b thought OP would just buy her BS hook, line, and sinker.

In addition, she is a bat shit crazy stalker. His terms for being in Emma’s life were 100% reasonable. Her denying them and keeping up this behavior for 14+ years is just patently ridiculous and proves she’s unhinged.


She definitely knew OP was not the father, but she desired his money. Natalie is a crazy stalker. I feel sorry that Emma is being raised to think all this behavior is okay. Also, that mom should butt out of OP's business.


I hope Emma is going to be okay and manages to start healing with Sylvia. Not only did she get removed from her mother's custody (traumatic no matter how bad the parent is) but now she has to cope with the idea that her mother lied to her for literally her entire life. At least Sylvia sounds reasonable from OP's recounting of things, so I hope she can help Emma through it.


I feel so bad for Emma. Her mother (Natalie) is nuts and the kid grew up believing in her mother's lies thinking OP was her father. The fact Natalie lost the custody of her daughter, means she was a way horrible mom to Emma than we think.


I feel the most bad for Emma. That poor girl grew up with an incredibly narcissistic mother who was dangling this potential father-figure in front of Emma her whole life like she was a rabbit wanting a carrot. No wonder she was taken away.
Emma probably thought she was gonna get a financially well-off father, an actually responsible stepmother, AND a little half-brother. But now that's not gonna happen. Everything went up in smoke for her, and it's all her mother's fault.


When someone avoids using a means of proving their word and solely relies on “TRUST ME, BRO!!!”

It’s safe not to.


What's really sad is if she knows someone else is the dad, she's depriving her daughter of knowing her real dad.


Story 1: Holy macaroni! This story finally got a full update.


OP's friend who thinks that charity can't be used against him is dangerously naive. Man gets stuck being financially responsible for children that are not theirs all the time because courts value the well-being of the child more than the rights of the so-called father.


Ex sounds like a curse who come every 2 years 💀


Mood booster: OP asking for it in writing is a trap many a boss has fallen into. I worked for an organization that changed it's domain name on the fly one month and I said Things are going to break. The director gave me a death stare and ordered it done. The problems in the domain persisted longer than he did in the position. Good times. Good times. 😂


Story 1: The other mom should have just minded her own business. She told him he shouldn't call her his "naughter" without knowing the whole story


One of the things I've picked up. If a woman has undeniable proof you are a liar, she'll throw that in your face at Mock 10. If it was OP's child, she not only would have gotten a paternity test immediately, she would have been rubbing it in his face.
Instead she keeps trying to slander and defame him, which pretty much confirms that it's not his child. And that mom criticizing OP? I'm suspecting SHE was the one to give the info of the field trip to Natalie.


Supportive Friend: Charity couldn't be used as a legal cudgel like that.
OP: "I told him if he believes that he can house her. He agreed to drop it after that."
Supportive Friend: Shuts up
It's funny how it always works that way. Some people are always generous with other people's time, money, and resources.


I feel sorry for OP, but I really feel sorry for Emma. She’s been robbed of a true father figure in her life and it’s far too late to find one now. Her mom robbed her of that and she knew damn well what she was doing.


It is absolutely mindboggling the amount of people *here* that didn't listen to OP's explanation that STATE LAWS are the reason why it dragged on for 14 years and the video is only like an hour old. Like, YEAH SURE, just BELIEVE he totally wanted to just go through the rodeo every two years instead of desperate to put it to rest when Natalie had the power to block him on that too and didn't try every possible way he could to stop it. "Better lawyers" aren't going to change state laws, the guy who said OP was wrong about charity being used against him is not the bio father, and that cease and desist letters from a lawyer is NOT A COURT ORDER.


When it comes to 15 year old Emma, YOU ARE NOT THE Cue OP jumping up in the air and rubbing it in Natalies face saying I told you so.
