The BEST House Moving Tips (and Mistakes to Avoid)!

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Moving House Hacks & Packing Tips to Move House Fast! Here are some amazing packing hacks that I've found and the BIGGEST moving and packing mistakes! Don't make these huge moving mistakes!

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Another suggestion is packing the bedding separate and making the bed as soon as you set it up so at the end of the day when you are tired you can fall into bed and not have to make it first. 😃


As someone who's moved 38 times in 33 years, I strongly agree with ALL of these!! My additions:
-use empty suitcases or duffel bags to pack clothes! I find this keeps them cleaner. Plus you have to move your suitcases and bags anyway.
-people are ALWAYS giving away free boxes and bubble wrap online! Also, your workplace is likely to have empty boxes they'll be happy to let you take if you ask.
-if you have camping gear, it helps to keep it handy in case by the time you get to your new home you're too tired to assemble a bed. We've been known to plop down on our sleeping pads and sleeping bags the night before and after a move :)
-if you're too young/broke to hire movers and are asking your friends to help you, PLEASE feed them.


I have a priority plan for unpacking.

First priority: The day you move into your new place, you first clean and set up your bathroom(s). Toilet paper in place, backups accessible, towels on the rods, shower curtains hung, and the basics of your everyday care stuff in place and easily found and used. With that in place you can take care of basic needs plus get showers and such to keep yourself going.

As soon as that's done, start setting up the beds, with kids beds being the first priority and adults after that. With that done, you have a place to sleep.

Once those necessities are taken care of, I tend to go on to a complete unpacking and setting up of the bedrooms, followed by the kitchen and then last, the living room.

Last time my husband and I moved, which was around our 15th or 20th time, we moved into our one bedroom apartment and were completely unpacked, right down to pictures hanging on the walls, in two days. I love being a minimalist.


When I start packing, the first thing I pack is walls. There is nothing I need on the walls. I go room to room and pack everything on them. Since it is also decor it's the last you put back up. So first down last up. The bad thing about procrastinating is if you wait till the end then your going non stop packing then unpacking. Give yourself a few days at the end where you can chill a little bit makes all the difference!! I have moved so many times in my 69yrs it's crazy!!


The avoiding black trash bag tip is very helpful, wow


Paper plates between plates and socks for glasses. mind blowing Makes so much sense


Whoa that vacuum sealing hack on a normal bag… mind blown. 6:17


One of the best packing tips I have I got from a professional mover—when packing plates, put them in the box vertically not horizontally. I’ve done this for 33 years over seven moves and haven’t had one broken plate. Happy moving!


My favourite tipp: make freezer meals for the whole last week AND the whole first week in disposable pans. You can pack and unpack all spices, pots and utensils in these two weeks AND you don‘t have to worry about dinner while unpacking. You will be fine with oatmeal, fruit cups, sandwiches and a freezer meal for two weeks. And it is a Great way to use things up.


I always encourage people moving over a weekend, to first pack everything they will need to get ready for work on Monday in a suitcase so all they have to do is find the suitcase and it eliminates a world of stress if you know that you can manage getting ready for work. Bath towel, soap, shampoo, toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, hair products, & toiletries.

Also, set up and make your bed right away. When you’re tired, it’s the last thing you want to do.

Everything else is gravy. I’m grateful I haven’t had to move in over 20 years, but I know I’ve accumulated “stuff” that needs to be purged. Sometimes I want to pack as if I’m moving for a good reality check. I’m certain I would be surprised at what I no longer need but am continuing to store/manage. Funny how packing makes you realize this.


I'm ALL FOR hiring a cleaning crew to clean out the old house and also the new.


Another tip, avoid large grocery shops, just buy essentials and work through that pantry. Makes packing up the kitchen easier.


My favorite way to pack glassware is to get free boxes from the liquor store. They have dividers in them for the bottles so they're just perfect for glasses. I do the paper plates between plates too. Good luck with the move. I love your videos❣️


My father-in-law gave the best advice. He said to move the cars into the garage first (and keep them there). For over 30 years, our cars have had a home, and we have minimal clutter in the garage.


Don’t scrounge a bunch of randomly-sized boxes to save a little money. Uniform boxes made for moving in a few sizes will stack better and make the best use of space, and are more likely to be strong enough. Make sure the boxes have handles! When I last bought boxes a few years ago, the ones Home Depot sells didn’t have handles; the ones from Lowes did.


You’re right, there’s no time for gift baskets, but we left our buyers toilet paper in the bathrooms, hand soap, paper towel, a few trash bags, and some basic cleaning wipes and dish soap. Just some common sense kindness to pay forward, hopefully. I also recommend packing smaller and lighter boxes than you think; it’s so much easier on your back when the movers and helpers are all gone and it’s just you moving the boxes around as you settle in (for weeks on end…).


BEST Tip: You don't have to remove & box clothes from dressers!!! Just leave the clothes in the drawers. Most dressers have a 'lip' on the front. Movers have to remove the drawers to move dressers anyway. They take the drawers and stack them in the truck alternating back to front so the front lip of each drawer is wedged against the back of the one beneath it which keeps the stack steady as the truck moves. Place a layer of packing paper or cardboard over the contents of each drawer to keep contents (like underwear) from view and keep dust from settling. This is mostly achieved by one drawer stacked on another anyway except for the one that ends up on top.
ALWAYS keep valuables (expensive jewelry, electronics, financial & ID info) and move it in your car yourself. If this isn't possible due to distance, etc., label the boxes with something obscure that you will recognize, or note the code in your phone. For example, 'Jess' for jewelry or 'Elmer' for electronics or 'PPR' for paperwork with sensitive info. If you have to stay at a motel/hotel in transit, always bring the valuables from the car in with you, even if they're hidden in the trunk.
Having a suitcase of clothes is a good idea, but if you're going to include toiletries, make sure they're in a ziploc bag!


When moving I decluttered and reused a Christmas decor box. It wasn’t adequately relabeled. I couldn’t find my kitchen utensils until the next Christmas and we moved in January lol😂.


Great tips, Cass! For overseas moves I also set up a 'gift room' - filled with all the things I love but can't take (food, pot plants, electrical items that don't match the overseas plugs etc) and each person who visits my house in the lead up to the move gets to (has to!!) take something. Anything that's leftover can be donated, but offering it to friends first is a nice way for them to keep a piece of you after you move.


When you're done packing a room, clean it right away! We always have the first week's essentials separate and it goes in the car! First thing is to set up beds, so they go in the moving truck last so they are first to be pulled out and set up..then the kids can be occupied making beds and starting to visualize their new room😉❤🙏🏾
