Musician Speaks on if Musical Ability is Genetic and if Women are Attracted to Musicians

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In this video, I interview a musician who speaks on how much of musical ability is genetic and if women are attracted to musicians.

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Great video, as an amateur rhythm guitarist (of very modest ability) myself (I took up the guitar as an older beginner back in February 2016), I believe that musical ability is something you're either born with, or you don't. I had to learn the guitar by downloading online tutorials from YouTube and other online sources, however some very talented musicians are self taught and require no lessons.

The musician you're interviewing is a very talented and gifted musician, he can sing and is able to play multiple instruments, that takes some serious talent and skill.

Many rock songs (the rhythm part) only require a few chords, eg. the AC/DC songs "It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll" is A, G & D, Let There Be Rock, G, E, A and B.

Taking up the guitar is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I have to say I have never had so much fun in my life, before I took up the guitar, I didn't think I could do it, but now I have learned to play many of my favourite rock songs from start to finish The sense of satisfaction you get from learning to play a song from start to finish, is akin to a mount climber successfully conquering Mt Everest.

Once again, great video and that's a great guest you had on.


If you are a good singer, you can serenade a lady with no guitar needed!


Getting good at guitar and losing face fat did me wonders


Most of the people who don’t have the genes to play music also don’t have much interest in it. I find the same is with sports. I think anyone will benefit from learning an instrument even if they aren’t destined to be professional standard


If the beauty of my face was represented as an importance of some instrument, it would be a triangle


So now I can really say:

"Just play guitar bro" 😂😂😂


Imagine what would happen if Jeremy Meeks put out a song. Women would beg congress to make it the national anthem.


I need to pick up my guitar again. Haven't played in years. "About a Girl" by Nirvana was a fun song to play. Collective Soul have a ton of great songs worth learning. I always liked playing "December". The last time I played I had learned the "Hotel California" solo but I still struggled with a couple of phrases. I stepped away from playing and got involved with photography instead.


Piano didn’t do anything, I played a few guitar songs too but that was after I’ve already gotten the date secured. It’s more of the status that comes with it, if you got a crowd cheering for you. Rock bands decades ago used to have the highest body counts, even beating a list actors


Musicians are the prime example of niche maxing which is a viable strategy for dating.


I've picked up playing the piano for 2 years after quitting it in my childhood. I mainly play classical music and have serenaded several women. Has it got me laid? Nope. Does it impress them on a personal level? Yes, they like the feeling of special attention. How about on a sexual/physical level? No because it's not going to turn my face handsome. They can't even tell the difference between Chopin and Mozart so w/e.
Having said that, if you're Chad then almost anything goes. I've seen Chads playing easy pieces by Yann Tiersen and Ludovico Einaudi and the girls swoon over him and make sure to post it on stories. The Halo effect is just unreal.


The rockstar effect is real. It's the ultimate cheat code.


No, there's a reason Shane McGowen never had kids and only got married just before his death so she could take his money.


Almost every time I've gotten action was because of my musical ability, especially my voice.


I’ve always had great success with the obo, absolute panty dropper!


Will freestyle rapping serenade a woman?


Tbh can you still date woman without talent i mean i have no talent sadly :(
