Joan Jett, I Love Rock 'n' Roll - A Classical Musician’s First Listen and Reaction

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#virginrock #joanjett #iloverocknroll
Boldly written in broad strokes, strong ink and bright colors, this piece does more than simply proclaiming the passion for Rock n’ Roll, it defines that music for us too!

Here’s the link to the original song:

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Amy Shafer, LRSM, FRSM, RYC, is a classical harpist, pianist, and music teacher, Director of Piano Studies and Assistant Director of Harp Studies for The Harp School, Inc., holds multiple degrees in harp and piano performance and teaching, and is active as a solo and collaborative performer. With nearly two decades of teaching experience, she teaches privately, presents masterclasses and coaching sessions, and has performed and taught in Europe and USA.
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This was my cousin, Michelle's favorite artist when we were kids. She was 5 years older than I was, and a kind of ringleader for the giant circle of cousins that all lived in the same town (my dad and my aunt - her mother - came from a HUGE family). I remember getting dressed up like punks back in 81 or 82 and doing a talent show for our parents and aunts and uncles in Michelle's living room. It was right around this time of year too. Sometime during Lenten season that year, anyway. This was the song that she and I "covered" with air guitars. Michelle passed away from a heart condition back in 1997, and I always look back with bittersweet memories when I hear any Joan Jett song, but this one in particular.


She was rejected by 23 record companies! So she started her own: Blackheart Records.


I'll be the first to comment here... I've seen Joan Jett more times than I can count live & she never disappointed with a bad show her band was always on point to.


Not a deep song, but a fun one. Joan is always a good time.


It never gets old... Such an iconic tune..


Thank you for reviewing this Amy. I maybe wrong but I think the word you were looking for here was "anthem". This is one of the classic rock and roll anthems that everyone knows, and it speaks to everyone who does love rock music. BTW, rock is not just music for the young. I am in my 70's and rock has always spoken to me and still does.


I love rock n' roll. I love Joan Jett. And I love Virgin Rock. Great reaction! I have been looking forward to you doing this one, since it really does express well what we love about rock.


Joan was one of the pioneers. She's an absolute icon.


Respect to Joan. She was one of the first female rockers to teach us that it's ok for a lady to be tough and strong, and to aggressively pursue the things they want in life.


The thing you're missing, Amy, is that this raw, sexual-tension-infused song was sung by a *woman* and just how edgy that was at the time. A woman getting up on stage and screaming an in-your-face rock anthem about sexual desire was incredibly empowering to women and teenage girls at the time. See also Cyndi Lauper singing She Bop, Heart singing Magic Man, and Janis Joplin singing any number of things. They were all defying the 'sweet, innocent girl with pretty voice' trope. I don't think it's possible to overstate how much of a big deal their message was.


I love your musical insight more than any other reaction channel.
Thankyou! keep it up 👏👏👏


When I was a kid and this song came out it was playing everywhere. The first time I heard it on the radio, I was switching channels. Loved it instantly. I continued switching channels... must have heard it 4 times in 30 minutes. This was a huge song, not the most complicated one, but direct and impactful for sure!


Used to go to this pub populated by rockers and punks back in the late 80's and they had a notoriously great selection on the Jukebox. This tune was a staple of every weekend of my late teens. What a banger.


Strangely enough, I was listening to my very own vinyl copy of this today, bought in 1982 when I was 10 years old! I fancied an afternoon of nostalgia, and dug out my box of '80s 7inches. This was one of the first to go on (volume UP of course!). Stone cold classic.


As a 19 year-old when this song came out, you nailed the feeling and impact of the song perfectly, how it felt individually listening to it with our friends, and how it fit in culturally. We were surrounded by so many different bands and types of rock and roll. But this song pulled it all together, and reminded us it didn't matter, it was all just simply rock and roll.


Brings back memories of going to pubs and clubs in the 80s and 90s ...this comes on and then whole venue starts singing along at the top of their voices


my favorite thing about this song is the irrepressable enthusiasm and energy of the refrain. It goes hard


I never took Ms. Jett too seriously, but...that's not a criticism, lol. High school me loved the song and was strangely attracted to the scary hot punk dominatrix that was Joan Jett in her prime.

And I gotta agree...I do love rock and roll.


Play this in a stadium, people will rock. Easy. Everyone knows this song. It's iconic.


The bio left out JETT’s origin as the rhythm guitarist of THE RUNAWAYS, a four-piece assembled by an exploitative Hollywood producer and presented to the world as the “first” all-female Rock band. (Lead guitarist LITA FORD also went on to build a solo career.) Within that group, JETT presented a hard, tomboy-ish (spiky hai, leather jacket, jeans) that contrasted with the more feminine, sexier yet tough look of the other members. It was that androgynous and authentic look that won her acceptance by the fans of Hard Rock and Punk Rock. This song, and MTV, catapulted Joan’s solo career which continues today.
