The Conservative Party in Wales 1945-1997 - Dr Sam Blaxland

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Digwyddiad Lansiad Llyfr: The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945-1997, cynhaliwyd gan y Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru yn y Pierhead 14 o Fai 2024, noddwyd gan Samuel Kurtz AS.

Mae Cymru'n aml yn cael ei hystyried fel un o rannau mwyaf gwrth-Geidwadol Prydain. Llyfr Sam Blaxland, The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945-1997, yw’r astudiaeth fanwl gyntaf o ail blaid wleidyddol fwyaf Cymru yn y degawdau wedi'r Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae'r llyfr yn cwestiynu pam fod y blaid wedi llwyddo mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru tra’n methu mewn eraill. Mae’n trafod sut y ceisiodd y blaid gyfathrebu ei pholisïau, pwy oedd ei hymgeiswyr, a sut yr aeth y blaid ati i lunio polisïau penodol ar gyfer 'y genedl' - o gyflwyno'r Gweinidog Materion Cymreig cyntaf i wneud y Gymraeg yn bwnc gorfodol mewn ysgolion. Mae’r llyfr yn craffu ar ymgyrchwyr a Thorïaid amlwg, gan ofyn beth mae nhw’n ei ddatgelu am ddeimensiwn tanastudiedig ar hanes Cymru, sef bywydau'r dosbarth canol Seisnigedig a chymdeithasol geidwadol.

Book Launch Event: The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945-1997, hosted by the Wales Governance Centre in the Pierhead on the 14th of May 2024, sponsored by Samuel Kurtz MS.

Wales is often considered to be one of the most anti-Conservative parts of Britain. Sam Blaxland’s The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945–1997 is the first book-length study of Wales’s second largest political party in the decades after the Second World War. From the places where Conservatism was often successful, the book questions why it did not succeed in other parts of Wales, discussing how the party communicated its policies, who its candidates were, and how the party deliberately crafted specific policies ‘for the nation’ – from introducing the first Minister for Welsh Affairs to making Welsh a compulsory subject in schools. The book scrutinises activists and prominent Tories, asking what they reveal about understudied aspects of Welsh history, particularly the lives of the Anglicised and socially conservative middle class.

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