The 5 Best And 5 Worst Things About Netflix's Wednesday

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Creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky. Netflix's "Wednesday" is all these things and more, and is mostly very successful at mixing genuine scares with morbid humor. But every once in a while, it doesn't quite nail it. These are the hit series' biggest hits and misses.

#Wednesday #TheAddamsFamily #Netflix

Best: Jenna Ortega's performance | 0:00
Worst: An obvious red herring | 1:29
Best: Tim Burton's style | 2:45
Worst: Goody isn't a name | 4:00
Best: A compelling mystery | 5:11
Worst: The mean girl trope | 6:11
Best: Thing steals the spotlight | 7:03
Worst: Bianca's story goes nowhere | 8:04
Best: Wednesday's heritage | 9:04
Worst: lack of representation | 10:00

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What did you like the most and the least about "Wednesday?"


I feel like the last statement made was a bit off. LGBT inclusion wasn’t missing, just for once it wasn’t set as a major plot point, it was actually refreshing to see a show treat peoples sexuality as just a background detail. In this show a character has 2 moms and there are a few same sex couples at the dance, rather than so many other shows where every time someone’s gay it’s the main plot or center of attention. It’s called normalizing things, rather than using it for attention……


Forced representation can ruin a show, and I would hate to see this show get that treatment


That's BS. The fact that the show didn't throw in more LBGTQ representation is partly why it's doing so well. That representation can't just be thrown in, it needs to be nourished with the plot, it's also been thrown in way too much in too many shows to adhere to some imaginary guideline. It's channels like this that throw around that assumption that makes good shows create bad writing with tossed in sub plots to appease inclusion. Bad writing is bad writing. I believe in inclusion, but it HAS to come naturally it can't be forced because as we all know when it is, it's obvious and it's truly a downer to see.


"lacking in queer representation". I go to the movies over 50 a year. its like 99% of movies make sure you know they have "lgbtq" in it. I have no issues with a movie/show having LGBTQ but watch mojo having that down as one of the "worst" about Wednesday is ridiculous.


I feel the need to point out not having LGBQ people doesn't make a film bad just as putting people of color in things doesn't make better


Who says there has to be a queer person represented? There simply was not one...should not even be an issue...and I am a gay man.


I love the fact that the show is being scrutinized for using the mean girl trope. The fact of the matter is, this didn't disappear. Girls are mean. Women are mean. They judge one another based on whatever they can, in order to make themselves feel better. Do all women do this? No. Do a lot of women and girls do this? Yes. None of this just magically disappeared!!

There are still generally girls at every school who make the lives of others miserable, sometimes simply because it makes them feel good. Bullying didn't disappear, just because we wanted it to!


One scene that particularly rubbed me the wrong the way was the scene in which, iirc, Morticia, alongside Wednesday told the black mayor that "men like [him] will never know what it's like to not be believed", as America has quite the history of framing black men/ accusing black men of trying to harm white women. While Wednesday may be a poc thanks to her dad, Morticia, whose maiden name is Frump, is assumed to be of French descent. Idk I think the scene would be much more powerful if the mayor wasn't black.

Edit: fixed spelling errors


Bro it had lgbt stuff in there. Just not in your face because it didn’t belong there. The nerve.


So, the whole subtext of Enid's mother not accepting that she couldn't 'wolf out yet' and wanting to send her to Werewolf Camp wasn't LBGTQ+ adjacent enough? I thought that entire episode created similarities to 'pray the gay away' conversion therapy scenarios. Use your imagination, Looper! There are other students at Nevermore that we haven't met yet. Maybe you'll get your wish next season.

Another plot point that you weren't thrilled about was the 'mean girl' trope. Obviously, no one on your staff went to boarding school...or any school? The queen bee/homecoming queen/prom queen/head cheerleader storyline exists because it happens a lot in real life and teenage girls are the worst bullies! Admittedly, the whole Bianca storyline was predictable; bad girl becomes friendly with her former victim and helps bring down the bad guy in the end. Of course, Wednesday really wasn't a victim. We don't know enough about any of the characters to know why they are the way they are.

The first season of any TV show is usually concerned with setting up characters to the detriment of minor plot lines; hopefully, season 2 will fill any plot holes and missing elements.


Ppl critisizing this need a chill pill or smoke a damn blunt fr. Its not a political agenda...its the Addams Family...gods sake...


It was very enjoyable, I ended up watching all the episodes so fast


Oh Looper you just lost so much respect and credibility for wanting forced representation.


Looper's Worst things category seems embarrassingly desperate. They can't find any real flaws in the show, so they desperately nitpick stupid shit that's no big deal. They didn't mention once about Tim Burton supposedly being called racist by different fans and actors. Get some real writers on this channel


Forced representation is not what any show needs. If it fits the plot or characters it’s ok, but forcing it is sad way to ruin the show and disengage problems


Why do Americans have to bring race or LGBT into everything?

I thought this was a good series but the last thing I thought of was "there's a lack of LGBT representation" or "there's not a big range of diversity here." It was a good show and not every show needs to have this.


My only quibble with the series...
Gomez Addams was a direct descendant of the Castilian Spanish.
Names are passed down through the male lineage.
Heredity bonds are passed down through the female linage.
For Goody Addams to be so named Addams, she would have to have married a man named Addams, passed down her hereditary markers to Wednesday's parents who also happened to have the name Addams.
For her, a New England Pilgrim, to also be 'Mexican' - whilst her latter descendants happen to be Spanish ... Seems a tad overly contrived.


The best: the Addams family is beautifully cast!
The worst: the young male characters are awful!


I need a "Thing" series.
Then an "It" series would also rock.
