
What makes a great math explanation? | SoME2 results

Knight's Infinite Odyssey #SoME2

Why We Care About Functions #SoME2

The Pokemon Type Advantage Network #SoME2

The Rhythm of The Primes #some2

Why you can't solve quintic equations (Galois theory approach) #SoME2

Why the Circle encloses the Largest Area | Explained using Hill Climbing #SoME2

The Coolest Hat Puzzle You've Probably Never Heard (SoME2)

The math behind Baby Shark's viewcount #SoME2

Lyapunov's Fractal (that Lyapunov knew nothing about) #SoME2

A Finite Game of Infinite Rounds #SoME2

What is Mathematics, Really? #SoME2


SVD Visualized, Singular Value Decomposition explained | SEE Matrix , Chapter 3 #SoME2

The Beauty of Fractal Geometry (#SoME2)

Geometry of Quantum Mechanics #SoME2

What's So Natural About e? #some2

Teleporting Ants & Dynamic Programming #SoME2

I visualized 4D shapes #SoME2

The most beautiful function in Math: Sinc (3B1B Summer of Math Exposition #SoME2)

Probability: The Heart of Chemistry #SoME2

Solve Math problems through Paradoxes. Summer of Math Exposition, 2022 [SoME2]

[SoME2] Math World from ∅.
