
Baby #3?? (our honest thoughts)

We officially bought a new house...

Tried the towel prank on my husband #shorts

Our first trip alone in 2 years... Also, we might be selling our house.

We left Utah...

We're moving... (hopefully)

Sarah's endometriosis is getting worse...

Breaking up with my baby because he's too blonde #shorts

My husband was so excited for our baby to look like him...#shorts

How our first kiss went...#shorts

Our first ever Daddy Daughter Date

I've never seen anything so happy in my life...#shorts

Everyone thinks these two look like twins...#shorts

Hiding my baby and telling my husband he's awake from his nap #shorts

He said 'Look ma no hands' #shorts

I've peaked as a mom LOL #shorts

How we're really doing with this recovery... (Hint: not great)

Take your baby's binky and see what happens #shorts

I dyed my hair RED... *My husband and kid's reactions*

My baby's first time on a surfboard #shorts

Every time my husband comes home from surfing #shorts

Tried on my wedding dress after 5 years and surprised my husband #shorts

Road tripping 16 hours with my 3 yr old

He's always there...#shorts