
Can Augmented Reality Help Pedestrians Safely Cross Multiple Lanes of Traffic?

Evaluation of Flashing Yellow Arrows for use in the Left and Right Turn Applications

Study of Gap Acceptance and Walking Speed of Pedestrians using Virtual Reality Simulation

Deciding when to cross in front of an autonomous vehicle

Distributed Simulation to Support Driving Safety Research

Driver Behavior and Performance Study on In-Vehicle Display Based Speed Compliance

Augmented Reality for Safer Pedestrian Vehicle Interaction

Assessing the Impact of Smartphone Usage While Driving in Work Zones

Evaluation of Pedestrian Crossing Safety on Right Turns of Urban Unsignalized Intersections Using VR

Using Naturalistic Data to Develop Simulator Scenarios

Drugged Driving: Effects of Pain and Anxiety Medication on Driving Performance in a Simulator

Incorporating Bicycle Naturalistic Data to Validate Driver Simulation

Pedestrian Behavior at Crosswalks in Modern Roundabouts Using Virtual Reality

Dynamic Signage for Visually Impaired Pedestrian Safety at Roundabout Crossings

Biomed Plus - Safe-T Sim Electrical Safety Analyzer

Expectations & Understanding of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Data Collection Methods for Detailed Analysis of Roadway Users Interactions at Intersections

Evaluation of Countermeasures to Improve Pedestrians and Bicyclists Safety Using Dynamic Surveys

Safely and Effectively Communicating Non Connected Vehicle Information to Connected Vehicles

School Zone Safety and Effective Countermeasures: A Micro Traffic Simulation Study

Can Regenerative Braking Save Your Life?

Examination of Driver Behavior in Response to Bicyclist Behaviors

Visit to Laerdal Factory & The SAFER sim-center - SESAM 2012

Assessing Crash Risks of Evacuation Traffic: A Simulation-based Approach