
Integration of Microscopic Big Traffic Data in Simulation-Based Safety Analysis

Shared Connectivity for Safer Shared Space Facilities: Improving mobility for non-motorized and VRUs

Interfacing Synchrono & NADS for Virtual Simulation of Conventional, Connected & Autonomous Vehicles

Open Source Multi Agent Simulation Environment for Connected Autonomous Vehicles

Operational and Safety Based Analyses of Varied Toll Lane Configurations

Cross-Platform Driving Simulator Scenarios to Use in the Roadway Design and Planning Process

Quantifying Autonomous Vehicle Pedestrian Interactions at Intersections

Quantifying the Impacts of Situational Visual Clutter on Driving Performance

The Impact of Driver’s Mental Models of Advanced Vehicle Technologies on Safety and Performance

Using Simulation to Assess and Reduce Conflicts between Drivers and Bicyclists


Assessing the Effectiveness of Connected Vehicle Technologies based on Driving Simulator Experiments

The Impact of Time Pressures and Perception of Time on Driver Performance

Mobile Applications to Help Older Adults Make Safe Street Crossing Decisions

Multitask Learning and Prediction of Baseline Driving Performance Measures

Dissecting the Safety Benefits of Protected Intersection Design Features

Using Driving Simulation for Virtual Road Safety Audits

Inv. of Merge Strategies at Ramp Area in Connected Veh. Environment based on Multi-Driver Sim System

Extended Evaluation of Training Programs to Accelerate Hazard Anticipation Skills in Novice Teens

Can Augmented Reality Help Pedestrians Safely Cross Multiple Lanes of Traffic?

Neural Correlates of Older Driver Performance

A Driving Simulator Investigation of Road Safety Risk Mitigation Under Reduced Visibility

Distributed Simulation to Support Driving Safety Research

Augmented Reality for Safer Pedestrian Vehicle Interaction