romero dental seminars

Let's talk about physiology of occlusion (part I)

Who Is Dr. Mario Romero?

Tips and tricks finishing and polishing

How to simplify your Class IV composite restorations

Tips and tricks for dark tooth bleaching

Let's talk white spot lesions

Tips and tricks for invisible Class IV's

NEW Romero Dental Academy

Vital Bleaching, what you need to know.

Do we need a new rubber dam? This is what Dr. Romero has to say

Tips and tricks on digital wax up

Tips and trick shade selection

Did you know that Coltene launched a new BLACK rubber dam? Here is what Dr. Romero thinks about it.

Tips and tricks porcelain veneers

Tips and tricks for vital bleaching of teeth

Preparation of post

Tips and tricks composite layering

Tips and tricks basic rubber dam isolation. Part I

Universal dental adhesives tip

Dentist:Lab communication

Hands-on Porcelain Veneers “Masterclass”. Visit our website to register, early bird deal $1440!

The IMPERCEPTIBLE composite restoration. Friday April, 26. Atlanta GA

Ask Dr. Romero (aka Dr. R)

Porcelain Veneers Hands-On MasterClass Atlanta GA 2023