
North Macedonia's Lake Prespa shrinking

Festival unites people from all three Balkan countries sharing Lake Prespa

Climate change, pollution draining ancient Lake Prespa in the Balkans

5 Most Beautiful Beaches on Prespa Lake | Macedonia

Prespa Lake - Visit Albania

Prespa Lakes Two Drops in a Waterworld (Trailer)

AKUD Mirce Acev - Prespa

Prespa Lakes (English version)

Prespa, vendbanim i lashtë - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme

Exploring Lakes Ohrid and Prespa

Rrëfime të patreguara nga Prespa! Artefakte dhe vendbanime të vjetra dalin në pah

Small Prespa Lake by Drone

Cute local restaurant on the Prespa lake in Dupeni, Macedonia

Top News - Tre shtete, një liqen, një e ardhme... / Prespa në rrezik, duhet ruajtur çdo pikë uji


Mikri Prespa - Aerial & boat experience

Visit Greece Border Lake Prespa - Psarades Traditional Village

Glloboceni (с.Глобочени) #glloboceni #village #mallaprespa #lakeprespa #prespa #maligrad #golemgrad

Why Is North Macedonia’s Lake Prespa Receding?

Lake Prespa #mallaprespa #lakeprespa

Restoring the Ecosystem of Lake Prespa (short version)

exploring Prespa Lake

PRESPA LAKE Pretor, Otesevo, Slivnica (April 2023) Macedonia Drone Video | Преспанско Езеро од Дрон

Views of Lake Prespa, Northern Greek border from Psarades village