
Smartphone-Experiment: Free fall (en)

Phyphox - Physical Phone Experiments

Smartphone-Experiment: Speed of Sound (en)

Smartphone-Experiment: Sonar (en)

Smartphone-Experiment: Roll (en)

Smartphone-Experiment: Schallgeschwindigkeit (de)

Smartphone-Experiment: (In)elastic Collision (en)

Smartphone-Experiment: Pendulum (en)

Shattering wine glass with phyphox

#homelabchallenge: Pressure (en)

Newton's Third with a pen spring and Phyphox

Measuring magnetic flux density with Phyphox

Smartphone-Experiment: Sonar (de)

36C3 - phyphox: Using smartphone sensors for physics experiments

Smartphone-Experiment: Geschwindigkeit eines Aufzugs (de)

Atwood machine using handphone phyphox app 20180130 nie7-b1-22

Smartphone-Experiment: Freier Fall (de)

#homelabchallenge: Rotation (en)

Fidget spinner speed using magnetism (referring to Matt Parker)

Smartphone-Experiment: Zentrifugalbeschleunigung (de)

Detecter du métal avec un smartphone (Phyphox)

Apps im Unterricht: Mit phyphox die Sensoren des Handys für Physik-Experimente nutzen

Smartphone-Experiment: Speed of an Elevator (en)

Phyphox - Smart Phone Physics - GCSE and A Level Physics