Phyphox - Smart Phone Physics - GCSE and A Level Physics
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Phyphox - Physical Phone Experiments
Smartphone-Experiment: Free fall (en)
Phyphox - Smart Phone Physics - GCSE and A Level Physics
Measuring accelerometer data of a washing machine with a smart phone. PhyPhox app.
Smartphone-Experiment: Speed of Sound (en)
Smartphones at the phaeno (en)
Smartphone-Experiment: Sonar (en)
Smartphone-Experiment: (In)elastic Collision (en)
phyphox Using smartphone sensors for physics experiments
36C3 - phyphox: Using smartphone sensors for physics experiments - deutsche Übersetzung
Apps im Unterricht: Mit phyphox die Sensoren des Handys für Physik-Experimente nutzen
Smartphone-Experiment: Zentrifugalbeschleunigung (de)
Smartphone-Experiment: Federpendel (de)
Smartphone-Experiment: Roll (en)
Smartphone-Experiment: Pendulum (en)
Your smartphone is a mobile lab | Christoph Stampfer | TEDxRWTHAachen
Atwood machine using handphone phyphox app 20180130 nie7-b1-22
36C3 2019 phyphox Using smartphone sensors for physics experiments
Phyphox@INPSAA : Frequency and Wavelength
Smartphone-Experiment: (In)elastischer Stoß (de)
wco PHQ2 smartphone physics acceleration
Physics experiment with mobile phone #shots #sciencefacts #experiment
Smartphone-Experiment: Freier Fall (de)
PHYS146 Experiment 14 (Speed of Sound)