
PaleoLakes&PaleoClimate by Scotese

Plate Tectonics CGI of Mediterranean under a minute

600 Million Years of Plate Movement

4.5 Billion years Evolution of Earth in 40 seconds

Erdplatten bewegen sich: Forscher prophezeien Entstehung eines Superkontinents

Tectonic reconstruction of SE Asia

Plate Tectonic FlipBook by C.R. Scotese

Pangaea: The Last Supercontinent of the Earth

Animation: Continents collide and break apart over time

How Hot Did It Get in the Past?

Tectonics and paleogeography

SE Asia plate tectonic reconstructions - rewinding back to 52 Ma

Cenozoic Geological & Plate Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia & Southwest Pacific ||Robert Hall

British Columbia Paleogeography

Precambrian Animation by CR Scotese

Ancient Oceans & Continents: Plate Tectonics 1.5 by - Today, by CR Scotese


Historical Global Plate Tectonics [2048p]

250 Million Years (Plate Tectonics Animation) Pangaea

The Geological Structural Evolution of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site - Vincent Sheppard

PALEOMAP Project Pangaea Breakup 200-0

The movement of continents (plates) from the early world to the modern world -Scotese MAP Project -